Frugal Kitchen Things I’ve Made Lately

Chicken fat, chicken broth, and deboned chicken, all free. Though I haven’t updated this blog so much lately, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been up to my usual frugal self lately. I’m a little busy and have a lot on my plate lately but I’ve made a bunch of things lately that save us […]

Cheap and Compact Hydroponic Garden Options

I found hydroponics to be fascinating from the first time I heard about it. As someone interested in DIY and self-sufficiency, I have wanted to grow my own food for a long time but until recently lived in a place with no yard. Hydroponic gardening would have been very helpful to me in my previous […]

Our Brand New Pergola

Mike has been working crazy hours lately at his new job and in his few hours of down-time he managed to build this pergola in our front yard. All for under $80- and this is despite buying the wood from an overpriced local place since we don’t have a car to use to transport wood […]

Sending (Most of) My Kids to School… Again

Happy Rose after her second day of school I talk about homeschooling a lot. In person but especially here on my blog. I’ve written about why I homeschool, how I homeschool, what unschooling is, how it works, corrected misconceptions about unschooling and homeschooling. In short, other than frugality and gluten free, homeschooling is one of […]

6 Ways to Save on Household Expenses

This blog post was written by a reader. Having your own home and paying for the utilities can be super expensive. Paying bills every month can be a daunting task, plus sometimes it just gets too difficult on the budget. However though, there are things that you can do at home to lessen your expenses. […]

Recent Frugal Accomplishments

First off, I wanted to send out warm thoughts to everyone who lost loved ones on 9/11, as well as everyone who has been affected by hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Additionally, I wanted to apologize for not having posted here recently- lots of things going on in my life that have made it feel very […]