Today’s Super Frugal Accomplishments (And Shop)

At first I wasn’t quite sure what I’d post about today, but then by the end of the day I realized I did so many frugal things that excited me and I simply can’t wait to share them with you. Last week I got 36 liters of soon to be expiring 1% milk. I attempted […]

Buying Gold Bars and Coins Made Easy

Unfortunately, our family isn’t at the point where we have extra money to invest. However, for those of you that do, this was a very interesting article by a reader about the ins and outs of investing in gold. Whether you’re a new or a more seasoned investor you’ll always be looking for a new […]

Revamping Leftovers into Fancy Deliciousness

My kids have been giving me issues about eating rice lately. It makes it challenging to cook for them, because as it is, they don’t eat gluten, and give me issues with I attempt to serve alternative grains such as buckwheat, quinoa, millet, and corn meal….  They aren’t opposed to all rice- they’ll eat it […]

My Thirtieth Birthday Celebration — The Truth

My oldest son is convinced that I am not honest with my blog readers about what I’m really like. He says that people who read my blog think I’m a certain way, never ever spending money on things that aren’t absolutely necessary, that I always eat healthily, and that isn’t true. He dared me to […]

My New ObiBox- Free Unlimited Calling to the USA

I’m really, really, really not a phone person. I like talking to people in person, I love talking to people online. I enjoy messaging people through Whatsapp. But phone calls? I don’t mind a quick chat on the phone to ask a question or iron out details for something work related (I usually confirm my […]

A Woman’s Guide to Smart Shopping – Tips and Tactics

It’s no secret that I love clothes. I love clothes shopping too. I love wearing pretty things, and know how much clothes shopping can be dangerous financially even to the otherwise frugal woman. Hopefully you’ll find these tips on smart clothes shopping, by reader Hayden, helpful to you in your attempts to dress well while […]

Thai Corn Soup with Coconut and Curry Recipe- Gluten Free, Easy, Vegan Option

If you’re looking for a super easy and delicious recipe, this Thai corn soup fits the bill. I mentioned a few times already about my restaurant meal that I successfully managed to recreate at home using my own homemade Thai curry paste and homemade coconut milk, and this is the last part. This corn soup […]

3 Low-Cost Ways To Cut Down On Family Medical Expenses

Fortunately, I live in an area with low cost health insurance and medical expenses for our family are very low. However, I know most of the world isn’t as fortunate and is looking for ways to cut back on medical expenses. Here’s a few tips on things to do to improve your health and thereby […]

My Latest Giant Frugal Grocery Shop

The other day, I was on Facebook, and an advertisement popped up for a produce delivery service in the nearby city, saying they had some really great sales. I went to take a look and found out that their prices really were stupendous. Well, not for everything, but the sale prices were terrific. Beets were […]

How to Take Care of Your Mattress and Make it Last Longer

My husband and I currently are using second or third hand mattresses, I don’t even know. They’re really in bad condition- one of them had wires starting to poke out from the springs, that needed to be cut off because otherwise it would hurt someone. We need new mattresses, but mattresses are expensive. I really […]