My Amazing Scratch and Dent Store Deals!
Nearly all the extremely frugal groceries I got today. Not shown, 3 kilograms of rice. I am beyond excited by today’s grocery shopping trip at the scratch and dent store. I happened to have 34 dollars left in my December grocery budget but when I saw the prices I decided to go over budget and […]
How IVA or Individual Voluntary Agreements Can Ease Your Financial Load
Any frugality or finance expert will tell you that debt is bad. You shouldn’t have debt. Debt is something to be avoided at all costs. But sometimes debt is unavoidable. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. Or sometimes the debt is from the past, and while you are avoiding making any new debt, the debt load […]
Why Senior Centers Are Great For the Golden Years
This post on Senior Centers by Nancy Evans make the golden years sound so fun! Growing old shouldn’t be something to dread, but instead, it should be a time that you look forward to. When you retire, you will have so much more free time to do the things that you want to do. You’ll […]
Easy Onion Fish Recipe — Allergy Friendly, Paleo, Gluten Free
I’m feeling under the weather. Thank you cold and wet winter. But even if you’re not feeling good, the family (and you) still needs to eat. Not everything yummy takes a lot of effort; this fish recipe is one of my go to recipes, even when I’m not sick, and is quite delicious and just […]
Enhancing Your Skills And Bank Balance With A Cyber Security Course
For a while I was living pretty much paycheck to paycheck, and even then, struggling, so I did what I could to lower our expenses as much as I possibly could. At some point I realized that it was much more productive to see what I could do to increase my revenue. If you’re looking […]
Fixing My Winter Coat For Free
I really love my coat. After years and years of wearing first whatever my mother bought me, and then whatever fit me in the store, or hand me downs from others. I decided that I was sick of wearing a coat that wasn’t my taste. I didn’t want to wear a coat that made me […]
Tips for Running a Business from Your Home
As a home based entrepreneur, it’s definitely not easy to work from home. Here’s some tips and suggestions from a reader. In today’s economic climate, it’s tough for one parent to stay at home with the kids, relying upon just one income. However, thanks to technology there is an alternative. It’s easier than ever before […]
Easy Wild Greens Ramen Soup Recipe — Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly Options
Yummy ramen that got rave reviews When most people think “ramen” they think cheap instant soups that are not so nutritious, but are delicious. However, ramen really is a style of noodle soup originating from Japan, usually served with many toppings, with as many variations to it as stars in the sky. They even have […]
Keeping Costs Down As A College Student
I haven’t gone to too much college, but I did attend one year while still in high school, and then lived on my own while going to a religious post high school program. I know how difficult it can be financially as a college student, when you have lots of expenses, not much income, and […]
How to Clean a Chimney and How Often – Safety Matter
I love my home, but one of the things I wish it had was a fireplace. I grew up with one and they are so nostalgic and romantic and beautiful to me. I never gave much thought about cleaning the chimney of the fireplace though, other than maybe the chimney sweep song from Mary Poppins. […]