Understanding Why Children Need Foster Care

I know of at least two friends of mine that currently foster children, both with special needs, and both on the way to adoption. I’m not an expert on the topic of fostering, and must admit most of what I know about it is from what I’ve seen in movies or read in books. Hopefully […]

Practicing Self Love as a Parent

Brene Brown, one of my role models and heroes when it comes to mental health, emotional well-being, and just being a effective and healthy person in general (check her out if you’re not already familiar with her) talks about wholehearted living in her books, and specifically talks about how in order to live wholeheartedly you […]

Gluten Free Vegan Potato Latkes Recipe or Kartoffelpuffer, German Potato Pancakes

Happy Hanukkah for those celebrating! Traditionally on Hanukkah Jewish people eat fried foods to remember a miracle involving oil, and one of these traditional foods are potato latkes, or fried potato pancakes. German potato pancakes, called kartoffelpuffer are essentially the same exact thing. Potato latkes and kartoffelpuffer generally contain both eggs and wheat flour, making […]

How to Grow Your Brand While on a Budget

As a business owner, branding is something I often think about. What I want to brand, how I want to brand, etc. (I actually have quite a few different brands!) Branding is difficult and often people think it’s really pricey, but there are ways to do it without investing too much capital. Here’s some ideas […]

Three Ways to Bring in More Money

When I first started this blog, my family’s income was tremendously low, and I did as much as I possibly could to lower our expenses, but at some point it just wasn’t enough. There’s only so far you can stretch a dollar; you eventually may find that you need to raise your income. And that’s […]

Details to Look for When Buying Ride-On Cars for Kids

When my husband was a kid, his absolute favorite toy was a ride on car, and many times he talked about purchasing one for our kids because of all the fond memories he had. If you’re considering getting one for your child, perhaps for Christmas, here’s some things to look for, that a reader sent […]

My Recent Frugal Accomplishments While Super Busy

My life has been quite busy lately. That means that I can’t necessarily do all the frugal things that I used to do. But fortunately being busy doesn’t mean that frugality needs to go out the window. Here’s some frugal and very frugal things I did recently. Free guavas! Frugal Shopping Bought shoes for myself […]

The Dangers of Using Winter Coats in an Infant Car Seat

Car seat safety is something that many parents didn’t used to know, but fortunately over time there’s more and more information about how to properly strap your child into a car seat to prevent them from getting injured. If you’re a new parent, or even a seasoned parent, it might be worthwhile to look over […]