Car seat safety is something that many parents didn’t used to know, but fortunately over time there’s more and more information about how to properly strap your child into a car seat to prevent them from getting injured. If you’re a new parent, or even a seasoned parent, it might be worthwhile to look over these tips from a reader to make sure you’re keeping your babies as safe as possible in the car.

What not to do. This infant is improperly
buckled in- there’s too much slack. 
(Couldn’t find a stock photo that was safe!)

It’s getting cold outside, and the temperature is starting to drop. As a parent, our main priority is to keep our baby warm and cozy all the time, especially when hitting the road. Cars tend to be very cold even with the heater turned on.

The majority of parents tend to bundle their kids in thick snowsuits and winter coats to help them brave the cold weather. However, combining bulky winter coats with an infant car seat can put your baby’s life at risk in case of an accident. Leaving it on your child can create a gap between your precious angel and his safety harness. Also, no matter how much you tighten its straps, your little one will not be able to get much air from these clothes.

Why Using Winter Coats Are Dangerous

Your child’s safety harness should be close to his body all the time. In the event of a car crash, all his clothes including his coat will compress. However, thick and bulky snowsuits and winter coats may compress enough, creating plenty of slack in his car seat harness, making it seem like you did not tighten its straps at all. Having loose straps may result in not keeping your child in the car seat or in the vehicle.

How To Bundle Your Little One Safely

There are several do’s and dont’s you need to keep in mind to provide your child with additional protection during the winter season to keep him warm and safe at the same time. Here are some of those:

How To Check If Your Baby’s Snowsuit Or Winter Coat Is Safe

You can assess if what you’ve bought is safe by following these steps:

  • Dress your baby in a couple of thin layers of clothing, and then put his winter coat or snowsuit.
  • Buckle your kid in the car suit as tight as possible but not too much that he can’t properly breathe.
  • Without loosening the straps of the car seat, unbuckle your kid.
  • Take off his winter coat or snowsuit, and then buckle him up again in his car seat.
  • Now slide down its chest clip, and then pull it upwards on its shoulder straps to check if there is any slack.
  • His winter coat or snowsuit is unsafe for your car seat if there’s slack.

What You Need To Remember Before Purchasing An Infant Car Seat Cover

Avoid purchasing thick infant car seat protectors that thread through your kid’s car seat harness strap that acts like a bunting for your child. They may intervene with the functionalities of the car seat, and most manufacturers will void its warranty if you use aftermarket accessories. Shower cap type infant car seat covers are normally safe. Make sure to choose those that don’t have a layer under your baby, and will not cover his face as well.