Swiss Chard and Strawberry Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe- Paleo, Vegan, and Easy
While, in the past, I’ve posted very complex recipes that take many steps, my life more recently has become more busy and I’ve been turning more and more to quick, easy, and delicious recipes. Fortunately, people have shown an interest in these simple but yummy recipes, so even though the part of me that likes […]
How to Keep Your Recipes Organized
Recipes… its what I’m known for. And I’m also the queen of disorganization when it comes to recipes, and that is with my recipes being posted here on this blog. You have no idea how often I am looking for recipe suggestions, and friends suggest certain dishes to me, and when I ask them for […]
Foraging, Foraging, Foraging…

I’ve been a super busy lady the past few days! It’s now spring break where I live and that means everyone is on vacation and looking for things to do with their family, which means that I, the one who has fun teaching people on their vacations, have been super busy teaching class after class […]
Pressure Cooking- Is It Safe? A Video
You might not have known, but I have a Youtube channel. I haven’t posted so many videos on it, especially not recently, but my ten year old son, Lee, really wants me to be making videos, growing my channel and my subscriber base, and I decided I’ll humor him and post videos on Youtube, and […]
Strategies To Help Save Money On Home Maintenance
This post was written by Hellen McAdams Families Are Expensive It doesn’t matter if your family is comprised of two or ten, there are going to be increased expenses involved. That said, there is also increased value which comes about as a result. A wife and husband must work harder to better themselves in order […]
Perfect Crispy Fried Fish Recipe and Technique- Paleo, Allergy Friendly, and Easy
Some people know me as someone who always makes fancy, complicated dishes, and I’ll admit that I do make things like that sometimes, but the majority of the time I end up making simple dishes- simple, but yummy, that is, because I really don’t enjoy eating food that doesn’t taste good. As someone who tries […]
All You Need To Know About Liniment
Sore muscles are a big issue around our house, especially with the amount of physical labor my husband puts into his job and hobbies. When a reader asked to write a post about liniments, even I didn’t know what they were, but once I saw this post, I knew that they sound like exactly what […]
Jerk Chicken Wings Recipe- Paleo, Gluten Free, and Easy
I made the most delicious chicken today using my jerk seasoning sauce, and I wanted to share it with you so that you can recreate this at home yourself. Just a tad spicy, sweet, sour, flavorful, mmmm mmm delish! You’ve got to try this one, and of course it’s Paleo and gluten free, and super […]
3 Home Maintenance Tips to Save Money
My husband Mike is very handy. He’s the one who generally does home maintanance. Mostly its building things, but sometimes repairing or general upkeep. Here are some home maintanance tips from a reader to help you save money, and I’ll make sure to put my husband on them, so they will also help us save. […]
Homemade Jerk Seasoning Rub Spice Mix Recipe- Easy, Frugal, Vegan and Paleo
This recipe makes much more than shown here, there just was barely any left by the time I got around to writing this post. As a foodie, one of the things I enjoy most is learning about combinations of flavors that I never otherwise would have put together, and seeing how amazing such an interesting […]