Five Day Tours to Take When in Phuket

I adore traveling, and have made myself a bucket list of places I want to visit. Thailand is one of those places; so much about it fascinates me. This write up by a reader on Phuket (pronounced Poo Ket, get your head out of the gutter) makes me want to visit it more then ever! […]

Frugality by Veganism and a Recipe for Spicy Marinated Tofu

My life has gotten extremely busy and complicated due to divorce proceedings, working, and other things, which gives me less time to write blog posts. For that reason, I’ve asked some friends of mine to contribute some guest posts, which I’ll be including interspersed with mine. This one is from my friend Carly, hailing from […]

How to Give Your Home a Luxurious Look on a Small Budget

As someone who is a dyed in the wool DIYer, I moved into a brand new house and made it fit my taste exactly by decorating it and furnishing it on my own, and frugally. Here’s some tips from a reader on how you can do the same to your home. Whether you are a […]

Making Black Friday Work For You

Black Friday and Cyber Monday some of those things that most frugal bloggers write about, and not just somewhat, but with a lot of emphasis, especially advertising deals as the days get nearer. You might have noticed that I have not done anything of the sort. Unlike many other frugal blogs, my emphasis is not […]

How to Look After Your Child’s Mental Health (Even on a Budget)

Mental health isn’t something to be ignored. Especially when it is your children’s mental health. Here’s some ideas from a reader on how to look after your children’s mental health. As a parent, you will have a million and one things on your plate. From getting the kids ready for school every day, going to […]

Our Family’s Second Autism Diagnosis

My daughter Rose is the light of my life. I can also say that, at the very same time, without a doubt, she is one of the biggest challenges in my life. Ever since she was born, I’ve felt that my life has been unraveling, and I’ve been slowly falling apart. Rose’s smiles are bright […]

6 Health Old Wives Tales Exposed

There are many theories about health that are passed down from mother to child. Are they true? Here’s some more info on the veracity of six common ones, sent in by a reader. There are more than a dozen health tales told by old wives which have been exposed more often than not over time. […]

Paleo Vegan Potato Kugel Recipe — Egg Free, Gluten Free, Potato Casserole

European Jews have developed a whole repertoire of dishes called “kugel“, a baked pudding or casserole, and of them all, potato kugel and noodle kugel are the most common. I’ve always loved potato kugel; it’s like this giant baked hash browns, and tastes delicious. However, most kugels are out for me since they use lots […]