My dog, Snickers, (who yes, is back home safe and sound, if you missed my previous updates) is generally a healthy dog with no problems at all. But a few days ago my son noticed that her left eye was quite pink and swollen looking, and because of it there was mucus coming out of it.
I assumed she had a dog version of pink eye, or conjunctivitis, so my first step was to put colloidal silver drops on it, as they’re antibacterial and antifungal and they’re a super quick and easy treatment for treating pink eye in humans.
But though I put on the drops a few times, it didn’t heal and still was pink and swollen and looked yucky. Tonight, therefore, I sent a picture to our amazing vet (available even late at night and for home visits in emergencies) and he told me that it was cherry eye, and to google it a bit.
I found out that cherry eye is when the third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, prolapses, or turns inside out, and bulges into the eye. Its not dangerous, but can be irritating to the dog, and in Snickers’ case, we already saw that her eye was irritated and slightly mucusy.
Google also told me that sometimes it fixes itself on its own (didn’t look like that was happening), sometimes gets fixed surgically, and it also can be massaged back into place.
I read a few blog posts on how to do that, and some recommended first putting a warm washcloth over the eye to reduce the inflammation and irritation, and then attempt to massage the area. I honestly didn’t know exactly what I was doing, but I massaged the inner eye area a lot, also closed her eye lids and massaged from that direction towards her inner eye. And it didn’t seem to be working.
But I kept at it.
And in under five minutes it’s all gone!
Now we have a beautiful (and wet eye) that is all fixed.
I’m so glad I learned this trick.
Snickers is so much happier now!
Yes, these pictures were taken less than five minutes apart!
When I told the vet what he did he said that that was great. That if its a really big prolapse and and happens repeatedly, it can be fixed surgically, but since this wasn’t so bad, this is a good idea to do.
Anyhow, I just wanted to share this tip with you, for anyone who is a dog or cat owner, as this can happen to both of them.
Did this happen to anyone else’s dog or cat beforehand? How did you take care of it?
very sad
very sad