Some people are very particular about their recipes, not wanting to share them, guarding them as a close secret. I’m the opposite, I love sharing recipes with people, as you can see from the hundreds of recipes I’ve shared on this blog so far. But lets say you do have a recipe that everyone raves about, and you are considering turning it into a business. Here’s some thoughts from a reader to consider.

You have a signature dish that everyone loves. It has been passed down from generation to generation and every time you whip it out, everybody says you should start selling it.

A lot of people have gone down this route and turned a casual dinner party advice into reality. It may sound romantic, but it is possible to turn a well-loved homemade dish into an effective money making enterprise. Read on to know how to turn your recipe into the perfect business opportunity.


Selling a recipe as a product requires your focused attention. Any business requires hands-on care for at least the first two to three years and you have to be present during this time to make sure that your product succeeds. Commitment means long hours, time spent doing research, talking to experts, luring investors and ensuring quality control. It also means being involved in customer satisfaction and after-sales. All these require time, hard work and grit.

Production/Quality Control

An important aspect of turning a recipe into a business is to make sure that it fits a particular market demand, it is scalable and that you meet food safety requirements. Do people actually want to consume your product on a regular basis? Does it have a particular draw that other products in the similar category don’t have? Quality in production is also important. You can produce your food items yourself if you have a certified commercial kitchen. You can also work with a co-packer, a manufacturer who produces food products for other businesses. Co-packers are usually certified and they have the equipment and processes in place which means that you can lower production costs and ensure quality control without investing in machinery and processes of your own. Just make sure to iron out legal issues like non-disclosure agreements, payment contracts, and other concerns before signing a contract with a co-packer to protect your product.


Packaging matters because retail is driven by visual stimuli. Specialty food, in particular, must be packaged in a way that sets them apart from more mainstream commercialized food products. The great thing about labels and packaging is that you can customize them to fit the nature and essence of the brand. Working with a professional branding company is even better if you want to incorporate all the important details in the packaging, from the container’s shape, and color of the fonts and graphics.

Guidelines and Certification

The food business faces strict regulation from federal to county levels. Ensure that you abide by FDA guidelines. If you are incorporating your recipe into the menu of your restaurant, make sure that it complies with restaurant insurance requirements to avoid any problems with customer complaints and other liabilities later on. Make sure you have the required food manager or food handler permits that are often required in the city level. All these are essential to mitigate the various legal risks you face when introducing food products, especially new ones, to a local market.


Market aggressively offline and online. Join trade shows and fairs with your samples and demos. Offer a subscription service, promos, discounts, and follow through with orders and inquiries on time. Being professional and being visible to your target audience can help increase brand exposure and achieve sales goals within your time frame.

A recipe can be a marketable product as long as you are willing to do a hundred other things that make any business successful. Commitment and trust in your product, quality control, and the right marketing can help you turn your favorite recipe into a viable earning opportunity.

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