My Tremendous Issues with Byron Katie’s “The Work”
Byron Katie, author of The Work There’s this thing called “The Work” written by a woman named Byron Katie that has gained traction in the world in general and more recently among my social circles, with people talking about how much they love the book, and others giving classes in it, trying to teach it […]
How To Take The Pressure Off Your Parenting
Parenting is stressful. There’s absolutely no question about it. But while certain parts of parenting will definitely be difficult no matter what, there are some things that can be done to ease the burden a little bit. Here’s some ideas from a reader. Photo by Kelli McClintock Bringing a child into this world is one of […]
Single Mom’s Day Out
I feel incredibly blessed. As a single mom, things are not easy. One of the hardest parts is feeling so isolated. There’s the fact that you’re doing everything alone, without a partner to take some of the mental burden off of you. You’re the one in charge of everything, it all falls on you. No […]
Habits that New Families Should Acquire to Have Financial Freedom
Do you want to get your family on a better financial footing? This piece by Tim Anderson gives some food for thought on how to do that. We all yearn for financial freedom and the peace of mind that it brings. It’s the comfort in knowing that no matter what tragedy is about to strike, […]
The Aliexpress Trick
If you use Facebook regularly like I do, you probably also regularly come across video advertisements for cool sounding products. Many times these are unique looking tools that do interesting and fun things, or are inventive in a variety of different ways. I’m probably not the only one whose been so intrigued by these products […]
4 Tips to Build or Rebuild Your Poor Credit Score
Do you have bad credit? It can be really problematic. Here’s some tips from reader Joe on how to improve your credit score. Your credit score as either an individual or a business can make a big difference in your life, as it will decide if you are or aren’t able to apply for credit […]
We Got a Trampoline!
My 5.5 year old daughter Rose is extremely delicious and cute, but also has lots of behavior issues (due in no small part to her autism). One of the things that is most difficult for me, though, is that because of her sensory issues, she’s nearly always sensory seeking, looking for ways to get sensory […]
The Reasons Pregnant Women May Cry
Pregnancy is already a few years behind me, but boy do I remember how hormonal and emotional I got then. Here’s something from Jane about amusing reasons for crying during pregnancy. You have heard many stories of pregnant women watching random television shows and they start bawling for no reason. And you have heard of other […]
How to Make a Good Deal of Hiring a Plumbing and Electrical Service
I’m definitely a DIY gal, trying to fix my own things around the house whenever possible, but sometimes things are beyond my level of expertise, so I hire a professional. Here’s some great times from Jim Brown, filled with ideas I hadn’t thought of before, but are definitely useful ways to save money when hiring […]
About the Sponsored Posts On This Blog
I wanted to have a word with you about the sponsored posts on this blog. First of all, I wanted to say that I started this blog in 2010 because I saw another frugal blog who was making decent money from her blog, and I hoped I’d be able to do the same. We were […]