My Frugal Accomplishments This Week

Whoops! I said I would do this weekly but its been just over two weeks since the last time I did one of these roundups. To be honest, I was on vacation for most of that time, and just writing up about the frugal things I did on vacation seems kinda weird, but ok. So […]

Fennel and Orange Salad Recipe- Easy, Vegan, Paleo, and Delicious

This salad has got to be one of my favorites ever. It’s got the perfect combinations of flavor and texture, and it’s a hit every time I make it. Fennel is cheap here in the winter, as are citrus fruits, making this a staple on my table in the winter. And if I can get […]

How To Prepare Your Home For The Freezing Winter

I love winter! I got a little taste of it already by going on my trip to Bulgaria, where we got to spend time in the snow. But it also reminded me of the things you need to do to be prepared for winter. And things you forget, like needing to warm up the car. […]

Baby Proof Your Home in 7 Easy Steps

A baby needs to be protected in the home. There are a million and one things a baby should not be able to do in the house. Think of the last possible thing you would want your baby to do, and we can guarantee they will do it. There are so many areas from the […]

No Time For The Gym? Do Workouts As You Do House Chores!

Exercise is important, but I’ll admit that finding the time is a challenge for me. Here’s some ideas from a contributor on how to add exercise into your daily routine. The human body needs some exercise so that it can be kept healthy and strong. However, not everyone has the time or money to go […]

Day 8, Last Day of our Family Vacation — Our Day in a Resort Town

On Monday we flew back from Bulgaria, to an airport relatively far from my house and quite near a resort town. I had never been to this resort town before, other than once in the middle of the night on the way to the airport on my way to Belgium. It’s a decently long way […]

A Comprehensive Guide To Saving Money While Eating Out

I will admit, I enjoy eating out. But it can definitely eat away at your budget. For that reason, here’s a post from a reader on how to save money while eating out. There is a popular notion that does the rounds regarding fast food. We have all grown up learning that fast-food is the […]

Day 6 of our Family Vacation — Skiing in Bansko, Bulgaria

Posing with the wonderful instructors, Janet and Peter This family trip we just took for the last 9 days has been splendid, but I must say the absolute highlight for me, and most of us too, has been the skiing.  I found it, but even with the cheaper prices, the ski day was the most […]

5 Ways To Make Your HVAC More Cost-Effective

Heating your home in the winter and cooling it in the summer can end up being quite pricey, especially if you live in an area with more extreme climates. Here’s some tips on how to lower the cost of running your HVAC unit. Having an HVAC unit is a convenient way to stay warm in […]