Are Frozen Donor Eggs the Affordable Infertility Treatment You Need?

As someone who always wanted children, I know I am blessed that I had four kids already at a young age, no infertility issues, no miscarriages, etc… But I know for many people, including many of my friends this doesn’t happen nearly as easily, and infertility treatments can cause tremendous amounts of financial stress. A […]

Getting Ready To Ski in Bulgaria- Day 3 Part 1

Skiing. I love it. I love winter, to be honest, love the snow, and all winter sports that I’ve tried. Growing up, I went skiing a few times, and got pretty good at it pretty quickly. The first time I skied, I started off on the beginner slope, then went to level 1 and then […]

Day 2 of Our Family Trip in Bulgaria — Lots and Lots of Fun

When I wrote up about my first day in Bulgaria with my kids, I mentioned how many things went not as planned, and how I learned my lesson about needing to tailor my trip to my kids taste and needs and be extremely, extremely flexible. I must admit that in the past, when I saw […]

Moving To London? Here Are Some Ways To Live Cheap In London

I loved my visit to London, it was amazing. Here’s a post from reader Tom about how to live in London on a budget, but to be honest, most of these tips also apply to those visiting. Hope you like these tips. Living in London is a dream, but it comes with a price and […]

Day 1 in Bulgaria with My Family- A Day Full of Lessons

Today was… a day full of lessons. All sorts of lessons. About interesting things and frustrated things, and while I would love to say it was an amazing, tremendous, stupendous day, to be honest, more than anything today I felt frustration. However, out of all that frustration came lessons, and with those lessons hopefully ideas […]

6 Tips to Get a Car Loan with Poor Credit

I actually have no credit in America. (It’s something I’m working on.) So if I’d wanted to get myself a car but didn’t have the cash, I would probably have difficulty getting a loan. Fortunately, here’s some tips from reader Jim on how to manage if you’re in such a situation. Driving your own car […]

How to Seamlessly Make the Move to Canada

As an American expat, I’ve often wondered if I wanted to stay living where I am now, or maybe move somewhere else. Friends of mine have talked about emigrating to Canada, because of how awesome it is. For those of you who are considering a move to Canada, here’s some tips from a reader on […]

Arrived in Bulgaria… At Long Last!

Today was quite a long day, I must say. Last night, I stayed up relatively late getting last minute packing and preparation done for our family’s trip to Bulgaria, and this morning we all were out the door and on the bus at 6:30. To get to our destination, we had many legs of our […]

Facing Fatherhood For The First Time

Though most of my readership is female, I know there are definitely some men reading this too! If you’re becoming a father soon, here’s some tips for you from reader George to help with your transition. Having your first baby will change your life forever. Fathers expect to have wonderful moments with their first newborn […]