5 Practical Giveaway Ideas For Your Next Baby Shower

When people are making a party, often they like to have party favors to bring home. When making a baby shower, here are some good ideas to give out, many of them frugal and/or can be made at home.  Being pregnant is a marvelous thing. It would make the event even worth a thousand pennies […]

Why You Need a Solicitor When Selling Your Business

When someone builds up a business, it takes a lot of hard work, effort, and money over a long period of time. Sometimes, though, they need to leave that business behind, whether because they decide to stop working for themselves, or they are moving and their business is location based, or for whatever other reason. […]

Turning Blah Melons into Amazing Dishes

Enjoying a cantaloupe slushie while working After I lugged home two heavy melons from the nearest city on my recent frugal grocery shop, you would think they’d have the decency to actually taste good, but unfortunately both my watermelon and my canteloupe would best be described as “eh”. They weren’t bad, per se, they didn’t […]

5 Top Essential Tools Used In The Garden

I love having a garden, but it also is a lot of work. In addition to all the time entailed, you do need to make sure you have proper tools, both to keep you safe and to minimize any potential injury. Here are some important tools to use when you have a garden. Have you […]

What software should a new business invest in?

As someone self employed and never an employee of another company since I was 19, I know how difficult it can be to be your own boss. But once you involve employees it can be another whole kettle of fish. That is where software comes in. Good software can be the difference between your business […]

Another Amazing Frugal Haul

“Am I allowed to say that looks heavy?” my physical therapist asks me as I walk into my appointment, pushing my collapsable metal shopping wagon, filled with my recent grocery shop. “Yes, I know, but I don’t have a car, and I can’t shop online and get prices anywhere near this good.” Which is why […]

6 Pieces of Medical Equipment You Should Have In Your Home

With the Covid pandemic still rampant all over the globe, more than ever it can be important to have your own medical equipment at home. This means that if you are in quarantine with suspected Covid symptoms, you can still check what is going on with your health and not need a team of people […]

Setting Up Your Child for Success

As parents, we all want our children to be successful, but there is no guarantee. However, we can make it more likely by taking specific steps from when our children are young to help guide them in that direction. Here are some ideas as to how. Do you want your child to live their best […]