Navigating through the legal maze after a car accident can be daunting. Personal injury lawyers such as at can simplify this process for you by explaining the options available, guiding you through the claims process, and helping you find the right attorney from a comprehensive directory of seasoned professionals. They examine the details of your incident, gather evidence to support your claim, and negotiate your settlement with the liable party, ensuring you get the justice you deserve.
Car Accident Injuries Can Affect Your Finances
Medical Treatment Costs
Car accident injuries can be severe and require extensive medical procedures. Sometimes, the cost can surpass the limits of your medical insurance policy. In such cases, you might find yourself paying out of pocket or even running into debt.
Time Spent Out of Work
Injuries from a car accident can be as minor as skin lacerations and bruises or serious as broken bones and brain damage. The latter can keep you out of work for months and sometimes permanently affect your ability to earn a living.
Loss of a Breadwinner
In the worst-case scenario, car accident injuries can cause wrongful death. When this happens, a family might lose their sole breadwinner, which implies potential financial difficulties in the future.
A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help
Pursue Your Compensation
When another driver, individual, or entity is responsible for your car accident injuries and subsequent losses, you might be eligible for compensation. This is usually an amount awarded to a personal injury victim to make them whole again.
But to receive this compensation, you have to gather evidence, build a case, calculate the total value of your claim, file a personal injury claim, attend talks with the at-fault party’s insurance company, and so on. These are tasks that you probably have never encountered before and have minimal legal knowledge to handle them properly.
This is where a personal injury lawyer such as Harrell and Harrell in Jacksonville comes in. With their extensive knowledge of car accident claims and the legal process, your case will be in the best hands possible.
Negotiate the Best Deal on Your Behalf
Unfortunately, insurance companies do not have your best interests at heart. Just like any other business, insurers are out to make a profit. Therefore, the insurance adjuster might call to present an initial offer and even claim it’s the best deal you can get.
Be wary of talking to, accepting offers, or signing a legal release without your knowledge. Instead, allow your personal injury lawyer to handle all talks with the liable party’s insurance company. An attorney will calculate the amount of compensation you deserve and negotiate to ensure you receive the same.
Offer Advice on Your Financial Alternatives
A car accident can introduce urgent expenses that have to be served immediately. Things like medical bills and vehicle repair cannot wait for the settlement money to arrive. A personal injury lawyer can advise you on your best alternative as you wait.
Some options you have to help you offset these immediate bills include checking your auto insurance for collision coverage, signing a medical lien, and applying for a pre-settlement loan.