One of the most frustrating things about moving is that there always are some extra expenses that crop up, adding on to the already expensive move. But being prepared for what expenses may come up can allow you to both save up to cover those eventualities as well as know what expenses to try to avoid. Heere are some surprise costs that come up during moves.

Having a plan in place for your move is a good idea. But it’s just plain realistic to expect this plan to go off the rails. This kind of foresight helps you deal with damaged property or unexpected costs with a cooler head. Here are some reminders of where things can go wrong to help you plan properly.

1. Property Damage

Property damage is an expensive problem, especially if you’re renting. If you accidentally take a chunk out of the walls or break a few kitchen tiles, your landlord may expect you to pay for their repairs before the next tenants move in.

Repair work could add an extra $200 (or more) to your move. That’s why you should always add an emergency cushion to your savings, just in case. You’ll have some room in your budget to cover these repairs out of pocket.

What happens if you’re just shy of what you need, and payday is too far away? In an emergency, you can reach out to online direct lenders when you need a loan to cover unexpected repairs. You can apply for an installment loan that gives you the cash you need to take on these repairs.

But wouldn’t it be better if you never had to pay them in the first place? Follow these tips for a safe move, making sure you protect your property from damage.

2. Personal Injuries

A move puts your family in a perilous situation. One wrong move, and you can tweak your back when you lift something heavy. You can drop something on your foot and break a metatarsal. Or you can slip downstairs, catch your arm on something sharp, and more.

Sometimes, you and your partner can walk it off. But if you break something or cut yourself deep enough to require stitches, you’ll have to see a doctor.

Next to building out medical savings in your budget, you can protect yourself from injuries by taking it slow. Be mindful when you’re moving heavy furniture and use the right equipment to avoid issues.

3. Childcare

If you have teens, they can help out with the move. But little ones will only get in the way.

You’ll have to plan your day around them to make sure they’re safe and sound. Not only will this keep them out of the way as you move heavy furniture, but it also lets you focus on the task ahead with fewer distractions.

Childcare is expensive, even if you only need it for the big day. You’ll want to factor this into your budget along with movers and truck rentals.

4. Takeout

In the lead-up to the move, you’re busy packing. You don’t have the energy to cook a wholesome meal. And by the time you relocate, your new kitchen’s dirty, and all your pots and pans are packed up.

Getting takeout will always be easier, but it does add considerable costs to your move — especially if you’re eating out every night.

There’s no harm in takeout if you can afford it. But if money’s tight, you might want to think about cooking and freezing meals ahead of your move, so you can simply heat up and go.

Bottom Line

Hope for the best, plan for the worst. When it comes to the daunting job of moving your family, this age-old philosophy is critical to your peace of mind.