Celery Leaf Chimichurri Recipe
I am not a fan, generally, of celery leaves. I’ll occasionally put it in soup, but generally, there are too many celery leaves in each package of celery stalks for me to use it all up in soup, and so it often goes to waste. I decided to do something about that and make use […]
How Military Divorces Differ from Civilian Divorces?
My parents got divorced when my father was in the American military. Being in the military when divorcing makes things more complicated, especially if there is any deployment involved. Here’s some info from a reader on how these types of divorces differ from civilian ones. Marriage is not always easy. The deployments and other difficulties […]
6 Reasons Fine Jewelry Make Good Investments
Many people mistakenly think that only filthy rich people can afford fine jewelry. Well, anyone can invest in precious gems and metals. It’s just a matter of saving money and knowing where to look for great deals. Investing in high-quality jewelry and precious metals can be one of the most brilliant moves you can make […]
Homemade Vegetarian Charcuterie Board with Instructions
Confession, I love watching videos by the Holderness Family. They crack me up, talking about things that we all relate to, in hilarious parody format. And they had a video parody song about charcuterie, which I’d heard about but never had before, but that video really gave me a real hankering for some. […]
6 Ways to Help Your Kids Become Healthier and Fitter
If you are concerned that your children are picking up unhealthy habits, here are some things to do as a family to help your children develop healthier habits. Being a good parent has probably never been an easy thing to accomplish, but modern-day life has made it even more difficult. Gadgets are everywhere, processed food […]
How to Secure Confidential Data From Email to Fax
I hate faxing. It is such outdated technology what with the internet and all. However, some places (hello government offices, like why??) require things to be sent by fax, and then people who don’t have a machine from decades ago need to figure out how to send things, and people turn to the internet to […]
Vegetarian Potato Chowder Recipe
It has been really cold lately. Ok, fine, that shouldn’t be surprising, as it is winter. But even so, our winters here usually are mild, many days where there is good weather, other days crisp and dry but not too cold, the occasional rainy and cold days, and the very rare snow days. We’ve been […]
Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Beautiful Retirement Homes for Your Parents
When your loved ones are getting older and needing more care, one is faced with many different options. One of those options is to have them move in with their children so their children can take care of them. This is a lot of work and isn’t always feasible in many situations. Sometimes what they […]
Managing Distractions Well: How To Driving Safely With Kids In The Car
I am so tempted to write a joke that starts “Children in the front seat cause accidents…” but I’m going to leave out the rest of it because I try to keep this blog clean, but anyhow… children in the front seat do cause accidents; many car accidents can be attributed to distractions such as […]