Many people take their parents to the first home they come across, but you shouldn’t do this.
You need to take your time and find the right home, such as that matches your parent’s needs, lifestyle, and budget.
How do you find such a home? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to go about it:
Step 1: Have a conversation with your parents about moving to a retirement home
The decision to relocate your parents from a place they have called home for decades is a big one, and you shouldn’t go about it without consulting them first.
Some people make all the preparations without notifying their parents, which often ends up being messy when they refuse to do it because they aren’t ready to leave their home or they have the impression that the person planning the move has ulterior motives.
Don’t do this.
To increase the chances of your parents agreeing to make the big move, you should have a conversation with them about it.
If you are leaving with your parents or you have been providing them with the care, let them know you can’t continue providing it, because of work or family commitments.
If your parents’ move affects other family members, such as your siblings, include them in the discussion.
Having them onboard might ease the transition, as they might convince your parents better or even come up with unique solutions that you might not have thought about.
It’s not unusual for parents to hold their ground and object to moving to a retirement home. In such a scenario, it’s wise that you involve the services of a professional mediator.
Due to experience, the professional will help your parents see the bigger picture and why they should consider moving to a retirement home.
Step 2: Determine the right retirement home based on the parent’s needs
Senior care operates on a spectrum, and plenty of options are available. If your parents can take care of themselves, consider independent living communities for active seniors. If they need help, there are assisted living communities that provide different levels of care.
Remember that senior care doesn’t come cheap, so you should take your time and ensure that you find the right home that will give your loved ones the care they need.
Get expert advice from a family advisor if you aren’t sure of the right facility to go with. To help the advisor reach an informed decision, be ready to answer the many questions the advisor will ask.
Step 3: Have a budget and make a plan for how you will pay for the care
After you have settled on the ideal retirement home for your loved one, the next thing to consider is how you will pay for it. You should note that senior care comes at different price points depending on the care, its location, and many other factors.
You will find highly affordable to extremely expensive luxury communities.
To avoid having to move your parent to a new community due to your inability to pay for the care, you need to be critical and come up with a budget. Of course, you should be realistic about the amount you can afford to pay and how you will pay it.
Some of the ways you can offset the bill include:
- Life insurance
- Long-term care insurance
- Veteran benefits
- Local government programs
- Long-term insurance
- Real estate assets
- Medicare and Medicaid
- Family contributions
- Veteran benefits
- And many others
Step 4: Physically visit the retirement home
After settling on a home that will give you the care and fits your budget, don’t just send your aging parents there—first visit the senior living community and see how it works.
Visiting the community will also give you a better feel about the environment and the culture and help you decide whether you will take your loved one there.
While at the facility, interact with the staff, ask questions, and even sample their food.
It’s only if you are satisfied with the facility that you should think about bringing your aging parents there.
Step 5: Prepare for the move.
If you are happy with the facility you visited, it’s time to make a move. Let your parents know about the day and time you will move so they can prepare for it.
If your elderly parents need care, don’t procrastinate the move as they might develop complications while still at home. And you don’t want this.
Moving fast also means that you get to other things and stop talking about the move all the time.
Plan for moving day. This calls for you to create a box of necessities such as coffee, filters, coffee pot, and others.
You also should ask your parents to put together a suitcase with medications, valuables, toiletries, and other personal care items they might need.
If your loved ones don’t love packing or they don’t have the energy to do it, hire movers to help.
Some people hurry to downsize their house, and others even sell the house, but don’t do this. Take your time.
Remember that your parents are still attached to the house and its valuables, so it’s wise to wait until they have made a move and then talk about what to do with the house.
It’s usually better to leave everything in its place and rent out the house.
The only time you should move with haste to downsize or sell the house is if you are in a crisis and there is no other way to get out of it.
It’s possible to find a beautiful retirement home for your aging parents
By following the above steps, you will easily find the perfect retirement home that gives your parents what they need. As mentioned above, you shouldn’t go about it blindly—take your time to research and find the ideal facility that has what you want and is within your budget.