Traveling to Cyprus to Get US Passports

The only picture I could get of this whole thing- the self addressed stamped envelopes at the local post office to the mail forwarding company, since security was so strict so no pictures, even from outside. I have mentioned enough times in my recent posts that we went to Cyprus to get American passports because […]

Hemp-Derived THC products: 5 Things to Know

As a chronic pain sufferer, as well as someone with anxiety, I know how much cannabis products can be helpful. I was lucky enough to get a medical marijuana license but many are not. However, even if you don’t have a license… there are THC products that can be made with hemp (Yes! It surprised […]

9 Commonly Abused Substances and How They Affect Your Body

I have a close relationship with my children, and they are open with me and talk about the pervasiveness of drug abuse in their social circles. Unfortunately, too many of their schoolmates and peers abuse drugs and alcohol, and from talking to my friends, it is unfortunately far too common. While some drugs can have […]

Frugal Family Winter Trip To Cyprus – The Itinerary – Part 1

If this is the first post you’re seeing on the topic, I’m doing a series on our frugal winter family trip to Cyprus. In this post, I’ll be sharing with you what we did in the first part of our awesome family vacation, when we were based in Paralimni, on the eastern coast of Cyprus.  […]

3 Ways to Make the Job of Cleaning Less Daunting

Cleaning is my bane. I can’t think of things I like doing less than cleaning… other than maybe going to the dentist. Or taxes. But it’s unfortunately necesssary. So anything that makes getting it done less scary is helpful. Here are a few things you can implement to maybe make things just a little less […]

Our Budget Winter Family Trip to Cyprus – A Wonderful Success

I’m currently sitting above the clouds, at the top of Mount Olympus writing this post. My kids are busy playing in the snow while I sit here enjoying the cool weather. I know better than to try to walk around on slippery snow because my balance isn’t great as it is, and because of my […]

Mastering Astigmatism Management: Practical Tips for Effective Care

I never knew much about astigmatism, to be honest. I was diagnosed with a minor astigmatism as an adult, after more than 15 years of wearing corrective lenses. Once diagnosed I knew that it meant something with severity and angle, but of what, I didn’t actually know. When a friend told me that her really […]

What To Consider When Buying Air Filters Online?

Like many, I’ve faced the frustration of not knowing where to turn when my HVAC unit became unusable due to a lack of replacement filters. We’ve been suffering since I can’t turn it on since the last time I did it was spitting balls of ice and dirt. Fortunately, our guest author shares valuable insights […]

We’re Off to Cyprus!

We’re so excited! The family and I are off on our trip to Cyprus – our second trip together abroad – the last one was in December of 2019! I went abroad last March of 2020 and I really have missed the enjoyment and soul nourishment of my trips abroad.  To get ready for our […]