Why Borderline Personality Disorder Can Give New Meaning to Feeling Intense Emotions
Borderline personality disorder is probably one of the most misunderstood mental health diagnoses. In this post, which was a collaboration between me and another writer, we hope to educate you a bit more on this often misunderstood diagnosis. Men and women with borderline personality disorder (BPD) experience intense emotions. Emotions often get supercharged, so what […]
Finding the Perfect Summer Camp Adventure: A Step-by-Step Guide

Summer camp was a big part of my childhood. When I was younger, I went to back yard camps run by local families in my community, while my parents worked. We did many fun activities and went on lots of trips, and I have fond memories from them. Then the summers before 8th, 9th and […]
Essential Reminders for Teen Drivers for Youth Traffic Safety Month
My oldest, I’ve recently realized, is finally old enough to learn to drive. (I think it is 16.5 in my country.) Next year, once he graduates high school, he’ll have time to be able to learn to drive, and then I’ll need to add him to my insurance on my car. My son driving is […]
17 Unexpected Things I Learned About Cyprus

Such blatant disregard for rules, you kitty… As a follow up to my previous posts about our Cyprus trip, I wanted to share some things I was surprised to discover in Cyprus. I thought I knew a decent amount about it, but when I was doing my research before my trip, and when on the […]
Cool Vibes: Discover Easy, Natural Ways for Your Teen to Find Their Zen
Parenting teenagers is, for some people, the hardest stage of pareanting. Me? The hardest part was when my kids were little and extremely clingy and always wanted me, and I never got a break. Parenting teenagers has been so much easier in many ways, though, of course, each teen is their own story, as I’m […]
Remember That New Year’s Resolution About No More Alcohol? Here’s How to Keep It
Moms drinking wine to “de-stress” from parenting challenges has become such a ubiquitous thing that there are countless memes about it, and it is something that is normalizing self medicating with alcohol, something that easily turns to addiction. Additionally, people dealing with mental health issues sometimes turn to alcohol to try to self soothe. However, […]
Soaring on a Budget: The Beauty the the of Empty Legs

I like the spontaneity and adventure aspect of booking flight locations and dates based on availability, and not because I had a specific time and place in mind, as happens when I book flights with Skyscanner. But there’s another way to have that spontaneity and get luxurious travel for a fraction of the price, using […]
Frugal Family Winter Trip To Cyprus – The Itinerary – Part 2
In February, our family turned a trip to the island of Cyprus for the purpose of getting American passports for my children into an amazingly fun vacation. This is part of a series I am writing about our trip there. I’ve written part one of our itinerary out, what we did the first few days […]
International Divorce: Legal Considerations for Cross-Border Couples

However much divorce sucks, international divorce can be even more suckier. If you were only temporarily in one country, you may get stuck there until your kid is 18, because of international kidnapping laws. Court cases involving potential international kidnapping, also known as “moving back home are via Hague laws and these court cases require […]
7 Food Festivals Worth Traveling For In Europe
If, like myself, you consider yourself a foodie, and you also really enjoy traveling, you might decide to try out local delicacies when traveling, so you can experience the culinary specialties of the region. But if you time it right, you can travel to different locations and get to experience, not just their food, cuisine, […]