Our Frugal Georgia Trip, Day 2: Batumi, Las Vegas of the Black Sea

On the second day of our Georgia trip, in Batumi, not surprisingly, we had a pretty late start. We only got up at 10:30 and had to get to the tour we signed up for by 11:45; we were supposed to get there ten minutes early, we had a 5 minute walk to our car, […]

How a Family Lawyer Can Help You Through Tough Times

When your marriage is on the rocks and seems like it is about to be over, you want to have a good lawyer on your side. While some lawyers can be not so sensitive, a decent lawyer can even give you emotional support in addition to all the legal support. Here’s how a lawyer can […]

Our Frugal Trip To Georgia, Day One: Vani Sulfur Hot Springs and Batumi

Hello there from Georgia! As I wrote in my post yesterday, today we left on a 6:45 am flight (meaning we woke up at 3:30 after only getting to sleep at midnight after a late arrival to Cyprus) from Larnaca to Kutaisi, Georgia. It was a 2 hour flight and, fortunately, I managed to sleep […]

How to Stand Strong When Caring for Children and Parents Simultaneously

People my age are starting to be part of the sandwich generation, with parents that are elderly and need tending to, while also taking care of younger children. It still is a shock to me to realize my parents are actually getting old, and they’re not nearly as old as many of my peers’ parents. […]

6 Tips for Paying Off Your Credit Card Debt

As parents, we can just hand our kids over to their teachers and let them do the work. But to have your child succeed there, your involvement helps. Do you want to be involved in your children’s education to make sure that they have the best chance at being successful there? Here are some tips […]

Hello From Cyprus — For The Moment

When my oldest son was almost 11, I went on a trip with him to Craiova, Romania, his first time ever leaving our country, his first time ever on a plane. My other kids wanted to go on trips with me as well, and I told my kids that the summer before they turned 11 […]

4 Key Things to Know Before Investing in Stocks

 When you are looking to earn money, or when you finished all the steps in the Dave Ramsey method, first paying off all your debts, and now trying to build wealth, buying stocks can help increase your net worth. However, doing it badly can cause you to lose a lot of money. But doing it […]