I’m not afraid of bugs. I’m not afraid of spiders. Usually. There are some exceptions. Like when I accidentally touched a millipede with my bare toe. Or giant cockroaches. Or furry spiders. Or spiders that have a red spot on them. But many people are terrified of them. One of my kids will only use my en suite bathroom because once they saw a spider in the other bathroom. I am fine with spiders, usually, because they will eat any bugs they find, but if you want to keep your home spider free, here is how you can get rid of spiders in your house.

Spiders are a fascinating species that can help control pests but can also be considered pests themselves. Regardless, one thing is certain, a home overrun with spiders can quickly become unlivable. If you are dealing with such issues, keep reading to learn more about how to get rid of spiders, different extermination methods, and the best tips that will make the process much easier.
Why do Spiders Enter the Home?
Spiders are natural hunters in the insect world. They catch small bugs and keep them at bay, preventing them from infesting their space. If you are dealing with a spider infestation, chances are the spiders are there to eat the smaller bugs that are already there. If your home has flies, mosquitos, or other small pests, then the spiders are there to enjoy the buffet of different bugs.
Spiders might also take shelter to protect themselves from the harsh conditions or extreme weather. In your home, they can safely lay eggs and catch prey. They are incredibly opportunistic and they will take advantage of every small gap or crack to slip into your home.
Learning why spiders enter homes might seem unnecessary. However, understanding these reasons is a highly effective way of figuring out the best way of deterring them. Removing these reasons will offer proactive steps.
Common Spider Types
Discovering how to get rid of spiders also includes gaining a deeper understanding of spiders in general. The type of spider you are dealing with will determine the extermination method. While some spider types are harmless, others can pose serious health risks that will threaten the well-being of you and your loved ones.
You can first start by determining the color of the spider. The most common spider colors are black and brown. If the spiders in your home are small and have a brown tone, they are most likely common American House Spiders which are harmless. Alternatively, if the spider is brown and has a violin-shaped marking on their back, then they might be a Brown Recluse Spider which is venomous.
Daddy Longlegs is defined by its long, web-like legs. It is non-threatening and it will likely not try to bite you unless provoked. On the other hand, Black Widow Spiders, which are known for their black color and red markings, can be dangerous.
Spider Infestation Signs
If you are unsure about the infestation, knowing about some common signs might help you determine the scope of the infestation. You can start by searching for spider webs in corners, closets, or basements. If you are regularly finding spider webs in your home, then you might be dealing with an infestation.
Similar to webs, regularly finding spider egg sacs is a common infestation sign. Egg sacs are small and white and they are often found in secluded areas. If you suspect an infestation, don’t forget to check less obvious areas too. Spiders will try to hide in spaces that are out of sight such as basements, attics, and backs of furniture.
Are Spiders Dangerous?
The danger level of the spider depends on the type of spider and the scope of the infestation. Most spiders are harmless, they can even be beneficial for controlling other pests as they are a natural hunter. However, there are venomous spider types that can cause health issues. If you are unsure about a spider, consulting a professional is the best course of action.
It is important to note that even non-venomous spiders can cause problems. Their webs collect dust and debris. Moreover, their sudden appearance can be uncomfortable for most people, especially children.
Spider Repellents
Picking the right extermination method is an essential step and it will help achieve the longest lasting results.
Natural Spider Repellents
If you are not interested in employing chemical solutions, there are natural methods you can explore. A mixture of vinegar and water is a useful tool to have for repelling spiders. Spiders don’t like the smell of vinegar, therefore spraying it around the house is a quick and easy method.
Alternatively, you can also employ the use of citrus peel. Rubbing lemon or orange peel along windowsills or baseboards will repel the spiders from entering the space.
Cleaning and Decluttering
A cluttered space is ideal for spiders as they can easily infest the space without being disturbed. Spiders can lay their eggs under the clutter and noticing it will be much harder. To combat this you can regularly declutter and clean spaces that aren’t used daily. For example, decluttering the garage, basement, and attic monthly will remove the hiding spots, making them easier to spot.
Attics and basements aren’t the only ideal space for spiders. You should also regularly clean, declutter, and inspect closet spaces, storage areas, and under the furniture. This will prevent them from settling in comfortably.
Essential Oils
Similar to vinegar, peppermint oil is a simple way to repel spiders. You can drop a few drops of peppermint oil into a spray bottle filled with water and spray the mixture around the house. In addition to peppermint oil, you may consider using lavender oil, tea tree oil, or eucalyptus oil. All four of these options are pleasant for humans but they are extremely strong smelling to spiders which they dislike.
Sealing Entry Points
One of the best ways of keeping the spiders at bay is sealing the entry points. This way will prevent these unwanted pests from entering into the home in the first place. This method will require you to inspect your home thoroughly and check for any gaps or cracks in doors, walls, windows, and more.
If you detect cracks in the walls, you can use caulk to seal them up. For vents and pipes, install mesh screens where they are necessary. For any openings in windows and doors, you can use weather stripping and door sweeps which will close the gap, preventing spiders from easily entering.
By employing these methods you will also be improving the energy efficiency in your home. In other words, even if you are not dealing with a current spider infestation, these are improvements you should seriously consider.
Store Bought Spider Repellents
When homemade remedies aren’t enough, you might have to invest in some store-bought spider repellents. These are very strong and highly effective sprays, traps, or even ultrasonic devices that are designed specifically to keep the spiders at bay.
It is important to read the instructions of the manufacturer carefully before using chemical repellent sprays. Misusing or overusing these sprays might jeopardize your, your family’s, or your pet’s health.
Ultrasonic repellents are a popular option due to their non-invasive nature. Ultrasonic devices emit sound waves that can not be heard by humans or pets, but they deter spiders and other pests. The effectiveness of these devices can vary from species to species. Regardless they are a simple solution that should be explored because of their ease and convenience.
Preventing Spiders in the Future
Once you have exterminated the existing spiders, taking preventative measures is the next step to ensure longevity. Maintaining a clean space is one of the most important parts of keeping the spiders from returning. Don’t forget that regular cleaning and decluttering is the first line of defense against pest infestations.
In addition to regular cleaning, you should also check for pests. As mentioned before, spiders are hunters and they are drawn to areas with large pest populations. Checking for pests and removing them as soon as they start to appear will prevent spiders from coming into your home.
When to Call Professionals
While home solutions are an easy to affordable way of combating spider infestations, some issues can be too big to handle on your own. If you have tried all of the solutions without success and you are continuing to see spiders, then it is time to consult with professionals about how to best handle the issue. Professional pest controllers have the tools and knowledge to deal with the infestation effectively and permanently.
Professionals can identify the type of spider and the reasons for the infestation, and then they can recommend solutions tailored to your needs. These solutions can come in the form of a one-time treatment or an ongoing maintenance plan that will prevent the return of spiders and pests.
Spiders don’t have to be a constant issue in your space. You can combat the infestation and prevent their return with a combination of natural remedies, preventative measures, chemical remedies, and professional help. By being diligent and taking the issue seriously you can learn how to get rid of spiders to achieve a spider-free space that is comfortable to live in for you and your family.