Sometimes to save money, it takes a lot of time. Sometimes, though, there are simple changes that can save money. Here’s some tips from a reader.

The new year has arrived, and that means that people from all around the world are looking for positive ways to make a change to their daily routine. Since money is an issue that we all deal with on a somewhat regular basis, it makes sense that you might want to make one of your resolutions about your finances.

The good news is that if you do want to make a big difference to your budget this year, that doesn’t necessarily mean making huge changes to your life. Although working an extra job or selling your unwanted items can lead to great results, there are a lot of little things that can make an impact too. Here are some of our favourite options.

1. Join a Loyalty Programme

Membership cards and loyalty programmes might not be a brand-new idea for savvy-spenders, but they’re something that everyday people often forget about when they’re trying to save money. You’d be surprised how much an extra discount here and there can add up when you buy from a store or brand often enough.

Not only do loyalty programmes give you access to extra savings, but they can also mean that you’re the first to know when new deals and sales are about to launch.

2. Get Creative with Entertainment

If you spend some time working through your budget, you might notice that some of your biggest spending mistakes happen when you’re trying to avoid boredom. However, there are plenty of ways to have fun without spending a lot of cash. Next time you’re looking for something to do, try going for a hike instead of hitting the movies, or making your own meal at home instead of visiting a restaurant.

You’ll end up living healthier this way, and you should save money too. If you really want to get out to eat, why not just go out just for your dessert?

3. Stop Buying Brand Names

We all have shopping habits that we get into overtime. Sometimes habits are good, like always checking for the best use-by date on a loaf of bread. Other habits, like obsessively buying a brand name, can be bad for your wallet.

Most of the time, the generic brands on the shelves use all the same ingredients as the products that come in fancier packaging. All you’re paying for is the marketing those companies use to tell you that their products are better.

4. Pay off your Debts

Whenever you do end up with a little bit of extra cash at the end of the week or month, it’s tempting to squirrel that money away towards your financial goals, like putting a deposit on a house or paying for a family holiday. However, if you have debts to deal with, that’s the first thing you need to get out of the way. The faster you pay off your debts, the less interest you pay in the long-term.

Just make sure that you always compare your loan options before you borrow money too, so you can reduce your chances of overpaying on interest rates.

5. Switch Cable for Streaming

In the past, if you wanted great entertainment at home, the only obvious option was to invest in a physical cable connection. Although it’s still a great feeling to have all of those cable channels available to browse through, you might find that it’s much easier (and cheaper) to get the entertainment you need from a streaming service instead.

Consider how much you could save if you cut down on your entertainment package and replaced it with a streaming solution.

6. Download Savings Apps

The days of browsing through newspapers and magazines for coupons are long gone, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be taking advantage of every voucher you find. Download the most popular coupon apps on your phone and browser to automatically apply the latest codes to your shopping basket. You can save a lot of money this way, and it doesn’t take any extra time out of your busy schedule

7. Adjust the Thermostat

Finally, sometimes the best money-saving strategies are the classics. Something as small as reducing your thermostat by a few degrees throughout the day can be enough to save you some serious cash on your bill. What’s more, you can rest assured that you’re not having a negative impact on the environment with excessive energy use too!

If you’re worried about remembering to turn the thermostat down when you’re not at home, consider investing in a smart device.

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