Fortunately, I’m out of the stage where my house needs to be kept baby proof, so right now my house isn’t exactly. But sometimes we have guests over and their kids are young, and I realize just how not baby proofed my place is. I also remember when my kids were at a younger age and we’d go to relatives’ homes that were not baby proof and how nerve-wracking that was. Here’s a post from a reader on how to baby proof your home, whether because you have a new baby, or because you’re getting a visit from people with a young child.

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Our homes are a personal footprint of where we have been, who we are, and where are going. Like a second skin, navigating your home is as easy as putting one foot ahead of the other with the dangers avoided or kept outside. But when there is a baby on board? Those dangers find a way of creeping in, and sometimes they’re disguised as the couch you have had for a decade.

There’s only two things to be sure of with babies; they are adorable, and they will find a way to put themselves in harms way if given half the chance. But before you sell your prized possessions, make these small tweaks and start sleeping easy knowing your home is ready for the bub.


The bedroom tends to cop a lot of clutter, and this is where lots of furniture, trinkets and personals can be found. It might be an idea to baby-gate this room from the outset and fit it out with everything you need from a baby store in Australia.

Take a look around, and see what can move on or be rehoused somewhere out of reach. Those bed throws, loose buttons and ricketly dresser can all pose real threats to a curious little one who might pull or push the wrong thing. It’s also a good idea to practise those hospital bed corners because a quilt that hangs over the edge could pose a risk of suffocation.


Hot sparks, potent chemicals and sharp utensils. When looking objectively, the kitchen really is a hazardous area of the house. But fortunately no drastic changes need to be made, in fact a lot of them should be general practise for any household. Whenever cooking, turn those pot handles away from the edge incase a little handle tries to make a grab, and transition from glass and china to plastic where possible.

It’s also time to move the chemicals and sharp utensils somewhere higher and behind a draw or door. It’s best to test those lids to make sure the child locks are still effective and it won’t hurt to have the emergency numbers somewhere visible.


Drowning is what nightmares are made of, and when you have a baby on board those nightmares become even more confronting when assessing our bathrooms. This may go without saying, but when you are bathing your child in the bath or sink never leave them unattended. Drowning doesn’t only happen in a large tub of water with splashing and flailing – it can happen in an instant, in only a puddle of water and you may not hear a thing.

It’s also an idea to put a lock on your toilet to eliminate the risk of a little one climbing in, hiding their toys there and generally unsafe behaviour. If you are someone who loves their scalding showers of a morning – it might be time to review your water heater and settle for something a little more lukewarm.

Living room

As adults, we are always hitting knees and stubbing toes in the living room, and for a small one who is even closer to the bulky edges – the chance of these instances are even higher. Make sure your furniture is sturdy enough that it can’t topple when the little one bumps or tries to climb it, and make sure those corners are rounded. Ensure all power sockets and hanging cords are either taped down or well out of access.

When it comes to babies, they say all the planning and theories go out the door as soon as they arrive. Well fortunately, making your home baby-safe can be done well in advance and will put your mind at ease for many years to come. Survey each room and put yourself in the babies position, in fact it might actually be an idea to get down there yourself and check it out from their eyes.

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