Ok, this may seem like a dumb idea for a post, but my little girly is sick and is having breathing trouble and I’ve discovered here via the net a way I can help her without giving her steroids or chemicals, doesn’t cost a lot, and guess what? My doctor totally approves also, so I’m not being frugal at the cost of her health, don’t worry.
My doc said that I should put saline in a nebulizer and let her breathe in the salt water solution… and they usually sell saline in pharmacies for this purpose among others…
Well, I didn’t have time to make it to a pharmacy, and I didn’t see the need to buy it if I could make it myself, and saline solution is saltwater solution…
Fortunately, google came to the rescue, and I discovered how to make my own saline solution, and I’ve been using that in the nebulizer and it seems to be helping my baby, fortunately.
I figured I’d share it with you in case you ever are in need of this for yourself or your child…
Homemade Saline Solution Recipe
1 cup water (ideally filtered)
1 tsp salt
1. Bring water to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes to get rid of any impurities.
2. Mix salt into the water and stir until dissolved.
3. Let the saline mixture cool.
Use in your nebulizer to assist with breathing issues. The moisture makes breathing easier, and the salt kills bacteria and viruses.
You can also put into a squeeze bottle and squeeze a few drops into each nostril to help clear up congestion.
You can also use this in a neti pot to do nasal irrigation to alleviate sinus issues and congestion in adults.
I did read about adding half a teaspoon of baking soda to the mix, but wasn’t sure about whether or not to add that for nebulizer use (as the store bought stuff is just salt and water), but feel free to add that when doing nasal irrigation with a neti pot.
Here’s to hoping you feel terrific and have no need for this recipe, but if you do, hope it helps you out!
In case you are looking for other ways to keep you baby healthy and unable or choose not to breastfeed, check out these organic formula options as well.
Hope my daughter feels better soon as well…
Do you own a nebulizer? Have you ever had to use it with saline? Do you buy the saline or make your own?
Do you use a neti pot?
I have chronic Bronchitis and have been on steroids every two weeks for the past year. I had congestion in my throat that none of my meds cleared except Prednisone and I knew this was harmful over time. I saw this article and decided to give it a try. I was having terrible asthma-like symptoms and could barely breathe. I was about ready to take the steroids but I decided to try this first. I have never done a breathing treatment that cleared me as well and as fast as the saline nebulizer solution. I think I have found the answer to my Prednisone dilemma. Thank you for posting this cheap, easy-to-use and effective remedy. It works!
He Penny,
Great post.
I thought of doing the same and came across your blog, but your method seems a little incorrect.
The saline you would end up making is called a hypertonic saline.
The pharmacists who sell the saline solution is called an isotonic saline.
If you would want to make it. you should be having a mixture of 9.0 g of salt per liter (0.90%).
Especially for kids, you would never want to use the hypertonic saline. I know you find a lot of improvements, but other kids might have adverse effect to hypertonic saline.
The pH value is different for these two salines.
Just a note worth considering.
Do the people here ever wonder why the pharmacy sells STERILE saline (apart from wanting to make money). I shudder to think what they are sticking into their childrens(and their own) lungs!
Is this at all effective for a cronic asthmatic
Thank you for your message. Helped me immeasurably today!
I started doing something similar to this to relieve asthma symptoms after reading several research articles about hypertonic saline inhalations for CF to clear excess mucus. What is effective for helping with mucus clearance is hypertonic saline, not isotonic saline. The guidance I've seen in published research is that solutions in the range of 7% are most effective. I talked about it with a pulmonologist who told me that anything from 3-7% is fine.
Hello 🙂 Is it okay to use sea salt for this saline solution? Thank you.
I'm on top of this recipe right now as i speak. I am a copd sufferer has been intubated twice for resp.failure.
I gets no relief from the seasonal weather change to various allergens that keeps me in exasperations.
Can't afford my meds.
Nobody but God poured the idea into my spirit to refer to google.
Quite impressed i can say all that popped up SIT nebulizer solution.
I'm in process now to putting it together.
If it didn't work God would have never led me to it.
Blessings to you all
Just fixed this recipe letting it cool now ? will comment later on results hopefully it works cannot afford albuterol sulfate anymore !!!!!
Give cooked elderberries for pneumonia, flu, all upper respiratory ailments. Do research.
Hi I am 82 and I have copd and I have been looking for a solution neb always helps me but I now have one at home , thank you for your information
yoou can purchase sterile saline tubes also if you. dont want to use homemade
I have had extremely bad asthma for 17 years military related and when the VA takes to long to send me my meds I do the same as what your doing.
Thank You very much this really HELP!
Thank you for sharing, I really had a problem looking for the saline solution to the local drug store here in Pagadian City, somewhere in Mindanao region Philippines. I had visited all the Pharmacy already and asked them for saline solution but their eyes wonders what I am talking about. I can't believe they are ignorant. I had no problem before buying solution when I was still living at Cebu City.
I usually prepare a 7% saline solution using distilled water. Don't use table salt as it is iodised. Use himiliyan salt or sea salt without iodisation. I also put my solution in glass bottle and pasteurise it in a pressure cooker. Don't cap the bottle. Just put a cotton wool plug in the neck of the bottle. After pasteurisation and cooling, you can then cap the bottle of solution. I also researched that you may adjust the pH of the saline solution to pH 7,5. with a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate. Use a pH indicator paper or pH meter. This basic saline is helpful in fighting any bacteria and maintains a basic pH which is ideal.
Use 4ml.for nebulization. Good Luck. I am a COPD sufferer and this has helped me a lot. You can write me on [email protected]
This solution really works, I got relieve within 30 mins,the only issue to me I have, is the amount of salt to use, I cut back a bit perfect thanks for this blog!
use sea salt not regular table salt
use sea salt not regular table salt
I use sea salt and never had a problem.
I'd love to try this, but I'm a bit confused about the proportions..I saw other recipes for homemade saline that called for a quart of water (4 cups?) for 1 tea spoon of salt; or even half a spoon of salt mixed in 8 cups of water.. Is it definitely 1 tea spoon per 1 cup?
I'd love to try this, but I'm a bit confused about the proportions..I saw other recipes for homemade saline that called for a quart of water (4 cups?) for 1 tea spoon of salt; or even half a spoon of salt mixed in 8 cups of water.. Is it definitely 1 tea spoon per 1 cup?
I've been looking for an alternative for my son and I think your blog has been the answer to my prayers, thank you!
My son had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and he has neuromuscular scoliosis which is crushing his lungs. The doctor prescribed albuterol and being holistic, I'm terrified to give it to him, especially after reading all of the side effects.
I've also read everyone comments and they have helped with my decision as well, thank you to everyone!
Wow it really works thank you
im using this right now as i type for my little brother i hope it works he is wheezing and w ehave ran out of the medecine for the matchine
Is there a cure for c o p d?
This is so hreat..thank you for the info…
This is so hreat..thank you for the info…
when you say "Cup" does this mean the american measurement or does it mean an uknown quantity
when you say "Cup" does this mean the american measurement or does it mean an uknown quantity
Yes US measurement
Liquid silver in a nebulizer is the best treatment for any breathing problems
Liquid silver in a nebulizer is the best treatment for any breathing problems
Pickling salt is very pure and next to the canning jars.
Big Pharma has an answer to this issue. It’s called MUCOMIST and my Pulminary Dr. said it does the same thing as salt and water in my neb. Even with good insurance, this stuff is a small fortune and once opened it’s only good for HOURS!!
I use hymayalian salt brine in mine. I shudder at real salt. Sodium has good uses but hymayalian salt has 84 minerals and trace minerals, as well as calcium, magnesium, etc… It's just so much better for you. I also drink a shot of it every morning to feed my body
I use hymayalian salt brine in mine. I shudder at real salt. Sodium has good uses but hymayalian salt has 84 minerals and trace minerals, as well as calcium, magnesium, etc… It's just so much better for you. I also drink a shot of it every morning to feed my body
We made this, although my boyfriend made it with a larger amount of Himalayan pink salt and water .. I’m nervous if the salt may be too much for my 16month old. He said he found a recipe for saline solution and made that, which was a larger batch. I want to try it as my baby is wheezing and coughing terribly and I hate the albuterol for him.
We made this, although my boyfriend made it with a larger amount of Himalayan pink salt and water .. I’m nervous if the salt may be too much for my 16month old. He said he found a recipe for saline solution and made that, which was a larger batch. I want to try it as my baby is wheezing and coughing terribly and I hate the albuterol for him.
What brilliant suggestion and alternative to albuterol…my son was wheezing all day and I tried the saline solution in the nebulizer…it worked! Thank you for sharing.
What brilliant suggestion and alternative to albuterol…my son was wheezing all day and I tried the saline solution in the nebulizer…it worked! Thank you for sharing.
I am making it now, I have a chest cold with severe congestion, I have five more min to boil, boiled tap is okay right?? I hope this works, I used my last treatment last night and I can't even lay down to sleep without coughing.
I am making it now, I have a chest cold with severe congestion, I have five more min to boil, boiled tap is okay right?? I hope this works, I used my last treatment last night and I can't even lay down to sleep without coughing.
I am on Albuterol Sulfate myself and I always seem to run out.Being on my last vial and knowing I'll need it in the morning I decided to look up a home made version Glad I did .It's cooling on the stove now.
I am on Albuterol Sulfate myself and I always seem to run out.Being on my last vial and knowing I'll need it in the morning I decided to look up a home made version Glad I did .It's cooling on the stove now.
Very Impressive..Thank You❤
Very Impressive..Thank You❤
Thank you for this.
I have a 59 yr old boyfriend and I boiled his tube and t thingy way to much I don’t know so as my sister always told me when I asked her a question “google it” so I did it brought me here I did it as you instructed and I made sure it was cool enough so he put two drops in each nostril stung a tiny bit but he went fast asleep thank you so much you are my hero God be with all you who have any problems with breathing!!!!!! Love you Hero
I have a 59 yr old boyfriend and I boiled his tube and t thingy way to much I don’t know so as my sister always told me when I asked her a question “google it” so I did it brought me here I did it as you instructed and I made sure it was cool enough so he put two drops in each nostril stung a tiny bit but he went fast asleep thank you so much you are my hero God be with all you who have any problems with breathing!!!!!! Love you Hero
Personally I wouldn't consider inhaling the minerals found in Himalayan salt – ingesting it is fine. I'm using sea salt fwiw.
Personally I wouldn't consider inhaling the minerals found in Himalayan salt – ingesting it is fine. I'm using sea salt fwiw.
Thank you, this is very helpful and it doesn't give you that adrenalin rush. I don't know if I'm suppose to use only little but I fill my nubilizer cup twice and were able to get the mucus out.
Thank you, this is very helpful and it doesn't give you that adrenalin rush. I don't know if I'm suppose to use only little but I fill my nubilizer cup twice and were able to get the mucus out.
Is it normal for my child to cough after this salt water solution?
Is it normal for my child to cough after this salt water solution?
This is really helpful! I remember my daughter's pedia put some saline water everytime she nebulizes to help her breathing issues.
This is really helpful! I remember my daughter's pedia put some saline water everytime she nebulizes to help her breathing issues.
Is this considered Hypertonic .9 Saline?
Is this considered Hypertonic .9 Saline?
It works and easy
The saline loosens up the mucus so they may cough it up. If they are old enough to know how to spit tell him to spit it out. He shouldn't have a long, hacking cough though. HTH
DavetteB, LPN-retired
The saline loosens up the mucus so they may cough it up. If they are old enough to know how to spit tell him to spit it out. He shouldn't have a long, hacking cough though. HTH
DavetteB, LPN-retired
0.9% is isotonic, not hypertonic.
1/2 teaspoon per 8oz. water; you can half or double as needed.
DavetteB, LPN-retired
The saline bullets that are prescribed for nebulizers are 3ml each, for a child you could use half, 1.5ml. HTH
DavetteB, LPN-retired
1/2 teaspoon salt per cup (8oz) water, so a quart would get 2 teaspoons.
Plain salt is preferred, but iodized won't hurt for nasal. You don't want the other minerals in Himalayan or Sea salt. HTH
DavetteB, LPN-retired
Reading a Dr Mercola article on using hydrogen peroxide and salt, he says that salt is necessary in a solution to be nebulized to prevent osmotic differential that can damage the lungs, so I very much think that we need to be a lot more precise when adding salt to our nebulizer mix, or we may get the wrong osmotic differential.
Reading a Dr Mercola article on using hydrogen peroxide and salt, he says that salt is necessary in a solution to be nebulized to prevent osmotic differential that can damage the lungs, so I very much think that we need to be a lot more precise when adding salt to our nebulizer mix, or we may get the wrong osmotic differential.
How important this is in this time of pandemic. I used it for my mom
How important this is in this time of pandemic. I used it for my mom
How do you make 7%?