Arrived in Bulgaria… At Long Last!

Today was quite a long day, I must say. Last night, I stayed up relatively late getting last minute packing and preparation done for our family’s trip to Bulgaria, and this morning we all were out the door and on the bus at 6:30. To get to our destination, we had many legs of our […]

How I Book Airfare for Vacations Super Cheaply

Every single time I talk about going on vacation super cheaply, I get people asking me “But how do you get tickets so cheaply? How do you actually do it?” And each time, I answer,, But apparently that isn’t enough of an answer because even with me telling people that that’s how […]

Navigating Cities with Public Transportations

Intercity bus, from Cleveland to NYC I live somewhere with amazing public transportation. We have very cheap buses very frequently to the nearby city, and both seven minutes away and fifteen minutes away I can transfer to a variety of other buses that can get me pretty much to any part of my region that […]

Our Big Family Trip to Sofia, Bulgaria!

For as long as my kids could talk, pretty much, they wanted to fly on an airplane. But we had no money, and most our of family was local, so we never flew anywhere. For the first 7 years I lived in this country, I didn’t fly anywhere, and when I finally did, it was […]

Lessons Learned On My Recent Trip to the US and London

Don’t worry, I still have a few more posts I wanted to write about what I did on my trip to London, but I wanted to share some lessons I learned with you on my recent trip to the US (New York and Cleveland) and London. Some of these lessons are location specific, but mostly […]

Geeking Out in London on a Budget!

Me with the Platform 9 3/4 sign… in Primark!  I’m a geek. When I was younger I used to be embarrassed by it, but at this stage in my life, I wear my geek label with pride. Oh, and I’m a Hufflepuff. And a Whovian. And a firbolg druid multiclassing as a barbarian in our […]

Quintessentially British Touring, Nearly For Free

I had such a whirlwind of a time in the US, taking care of one errand after another, traveling from one city to another and then back again, trying to see as many friends and family as I could, that I basically didn’t have a moment to breathe. And other than my one Sunday where […]

Going to the Cleveland Chalk Festival

Sorry, warning in advance, this post is basically one large and beautiful photo dump. When I was in Cleveland, I had the privilege of attending the chalk festival outside the Cleveland Museum of Art. Apparently it started in 1990 (I vaguely remember going once or twice as a kid), and its presented as a modern […]

My Visit to Nelson’s Ledges, Near Cleveland, Ohio

I finally got home from my whirlwind of a trip to New York, Cleveland, and London, and you may have noticed I didn’t update the blog in a bit of time. My stateside trip was super busy, and then I took the time in London to have a real vacation, to just enjoy myself and […]

My Trip to Camp Hi Canoe and Kayak, in Hiram, Ohio

I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and haven’t really been back (other than an extremely short work trip) since I moved away 15 years ago, and on my current trip that I took to the US to deal with bureaucratic bank nonsense, I had the chance to come back to visit my close friend who […]