Free Groceries and What I Did With Them

When I was putting these groceries on my counter to photograph them, my kid asked me why I was doing that, why I’m putting free things I’m given, because not everyone is able to get free things like this, and what am I teaching people by posting these things? So I wanted to address that […]

Balsamic Green Beans and Tofu Recipe — Gluten Free, Vegan, Allergy Friendly

When I’m hungry and short on time I sometimes throw together a quick stir fry. Minute steak and frozen veggies or quick cooking vegetables is super quick, and chicken breast cubes instead of minute steak is also quick cooking and can help me have a meal ready to eat relatively quickly. One day I saw […]

Scrumptious Restaurant Style Potato Wedges Recipe

I wanted to make a fancy dinner the other day. I decided to do it in the style of a certain type of restaurant locally, and one of the things on the menu there is usually a type of potato that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. I went to Google […]

Gluten Free Vegan Banana Bread Recipe — Allergy Friendly and Frugal

When I have overripe bananas I usually make smoothies and don’t have any left for banana bread, but recently I had a lot of bananas overripe at once and therefore had enough to use for baking without affecting our smoothie making capabilities. My problem with most banana bread recipes is they call for a specific […]