The Forethought Edition- Festival of Frugality #280

Last minute people like myself often get caught off guard when once again, surprise expenses sneak up on them, expenses that could have been avoided, or at least reduced with just a bit of forethought. I’m Penny and I’m hosting this week’s edition of the Festival of Frugality, where the best of the frugal blogger […]

The Forethought Edition- Festival of Frugality #280

Last minute people like myself often get caught off guard when once again, surprise expenses sneak up on them, expenses that could have been avoided, or at least reduced with just a bit of forethought. I’m Penny and I’m hosting this week’s edition of the Festival of Frugality, where the best of the frugal blogger […]

The Great Outdoors – Affordable Activities For Scrimping Families

Summer for everyone is usually complicated, figuring out how keep families entertained, and even more difficult when you need to do it on a budget. This year, with corona restrictions and safety precautions it is even harder, but one thing that still works are activities in nature. Here’s some frugal nature activities you may want […]

Saving On Bedroom Furniture

If you are familiar with my blog, then you are definitely aware of some of my extreme frugality. Today I wanted to tackle bedroom furniture because the holidays are approaching so there will be some serious sales. Also, after the holidays markdowns could come in handy for this big of a project. So, you want to […]

A Proud Accomplishment

I have to tell you, I’m quite excited. Our family has just reached a difficult but important milestone, one that means that we’re breaking the poverty cycle, starting with us! To my chagrin, I must admit that our family does have debt. While not an insane amount, and none of it because of reckless spending, […]

A Proud Accomplishment

I have to tell you, I’m quite excited. Our family has just reached a difficult but important milestone, one that means that we’re breaking the poverty cycle, starting with us! To my chagrin, I must admit that our family does have debt. While not an insane amount, and none of it because of reckless spending, […]

The Importance of an Emergency Fund

I’d be a liar to deny that I nearly had a full blown panic attack when I saw the status of our bank account this morning. Its not that I’d been completely oblivious to our financial situation. I know money is tight, I usually don’t know exactly how tight though, because it doesn’t make much […]

The Importance of an Emergency Fund

I’d be a liar to deny that I nearly had a full blown panic attack when I saw the status of our bank account this morning. Its not that I’d been completely oblivious to our financial situation. I know money is tight, I usually don’t know exactly how tight though, because it doesn’t make much […]

Homeschooling- the Poverty Fix (Part 1)

Photo Credit- Impact Lab This is Part 4 in my Poverty Cycle series. When talking about getting out of the poverty cycle, I casually wrote that I believe homeschooling to be a big part of coming out of the poverty cycle, at least for my family. Some might scoff at that and think it a […]

Homeschooling- the Poverty Fix (Part 1)

Photo Credit- Impact Lab This is Part 4 in my Poverty Cycle series. When talking about getting out of the poverty cycle, I casually wrote that I believe homeschooling to be a big part of coming out of the poverty cycle, at least for my family. Some might scoff at that and think it a […]