Exciting Blog News- Free Foraging Video!
For many years, I’ve known that I should make a newsletter here on my blog, so that I can be in touch with people and let them know what’s happening, but I really had no idea how to do it. On top of that, I wanted to have a give away to people to incentivize […]
Paleo When Short On Time and On A Budget- Plus Sample Weekly Menu
My paleo supper tonight- chickweed and sow thistle greens, ground chicken crumbles, sauted grated carrots, and walnuts, topped with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Ever since I went paleo and wrote about it, how it makes me feel better and also made me finally be able to get down to closer to my ideal weight […]
How to Eat Super Healthily on a Super Tight Budget

When I was in the US last year, I met and stayed with a really awesome lady, Daniella Silver, a holistic health coach. While I was there, we went shopping together at Whole Foods, and after seeing the prices there, Daniella inspired me to write this post… Life kinda got in the way, and I […]
How to Save Money- In a Nutshell
Homemade Green Tabasco Sauce In a local money saving group, someone asked for a “crash course of living within her means”. I started writing this out as a post for her… then realized how long it would be, so made it into a blog post instead, because what I wrote isn’t just applicable locally, but […]
People I’m Thankful For on Thanksgiving
In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to post something to show my gratitude towards the people in my life that have been most effective in helping me live the frugal lifestyle I do, which allows our family the ability to survive on our really small income, in addition to being able to blog about it […]
Living Without a Refrigerator
Last Monday afternoon, I had quite the scare. My fridge was mostly empty, as I had intended to do a grocery shopping trip on Tuesday; I hadn’t gone shopping in two weeks. Before I went shopping, though, I decided it imperative to organize my pantry, as I had absolutely no clue what was flying there, […]
Living Without a Refrigerator
Last Monday afternoon, I had quite the scare. My fridge was mostly empty, as I had intended to do a grocery shopping trip on Tuesday; I hadn’t gone shopping in two weeks. Before I went shopping, though, I decided it imperative to organize my pantry, as I had absolutely no clue what was flying there, […]
Running Water- Needs Vs Wants
A while back I had a series of posts that dealt with the topic of needs and wants, meant to get us (myself included) to consider the things we take for granted, and to pontificate about whether or not those things are really essential for our survival. By doing so, it would help us appreciate […]
Running Water- Needs Vs Wants
A while back I had a series of posts that dealt with the topic of needs and wants, meant to get us (myself included) to consider the things we take for granted, and to pontificate about whether or not those things are really essential for our survival. By doing so, it would help us appreciate […]