The Protein Myth

Welcome to this week’s edition of  Needs vs Wants Wednesday, where I dare to reevaluate what society deems to be needs. What really is necessary for a happy, healthy and fulfilling life, and what can be eliminated without much stress? Find out here, weekly, on Needs vs Wants Wednesday.  This week on the stand- Protein. […]

The Protein Myth

Welcome to this week’s edition of  Needs vs Wants Wednesday, where I dare to reevaluate what society deems to be needs. What really is necessary for a happy, healthy and fulfilling life, and what can be eliminated without much stress? Find out here, weekly, on Needs vs Wants Wednesday.  This week on the stand- Protein. […]

Asceticism- Not a Worthwhile Goal

I’ve been reading up lately about different minimalists and ascetics, people out to simplify their life to the extreme by getting rid of “stuff”, or to deny themselves all physical enjoyment as they shun materialism, consumerism, and the pursuit of pleasure. People reading my blog, especially my Needs vs Wants series might wrongfully assume that […]

Asceticism- Not a Worthwhile Goal

I’ve been reading up lately about different minimalists and ascetics, people out to simplify their life to the extreme by getting rid of “stuff”, or to deny themselves all physical enjoyment as they shun materialism, consumerism, and the pursuit of pleasure. People reading my blog, especially my Needs vs Wants series might wrongfully assume that […]

When Being “Frugal” Costs

There comes a time in every thrifty person’s life where it strikes you that something you’ve done in the name of frugality has backfired and should be discontinued. I’ve discussed saving money with friends who shared the consensus that being frugal, especially being frugal to the extreme and making everything from scratch, simply is not […]

When Being “Frugal” Costs

There comes a time in every thrifty person’s life where it strikes you that something you’ve done in the name of frugality has backfired and should be discontinued. I’ve discussed saving money with friends who shared the consensus that being frugal, especially being frugal to the extreme and making everything from scratch, simply is not […]

Laundering Correctly Saves a Wardrobe

Clothing is a basic need that even the most minimalistic person cannot deny. Even for those unaccustomed to recreational shopping, the average person spends a hefty sum on maintaining a wardrobe. While money spent on clothing is an unavoidable expense, I’ve put together some tips to lengthen the life of your clothing so you can at least […]

Laundering Correctly Saves a Wardrobe

Clothing is a basic need that even the most minimalistic person cannot deny. Even for those unaccustomed to recreational shopping, the average person spends a hefty sum on maintaining a wardrobe. While money spent on clothing is an unavoidable expense, I’ve put together some tips to lengthen the life of your clothing so you can at least […]