The 9 Types of Toxic and Abusive Partners, According to Lundy Bancroft

As the moderator of a support group for women who are divorced, divorcing, or considering divorce, I get a lot of women reaching out to me when they’re in unhealthy marriages. They don’t know if things are bad enough to leave, if their relationship is actually abusive, etc. I remind these women that a marriage […]
How a Family Lawyer Can Help You Through Tough Times

When your marriage is on the rocks and seems like it is about to be over, you want to have a good lawyer on your side. While some lawyers can be not so sensitive, a decent lawyer can even give you emotional support in addition to all the legal support. Here’s how a lawyer can […]
How the Military Divorce Process Differs From Civilian Divorce

My father joined the US Army as a doctor when I was 16 years old while my family moved abroad. By the time he left the army, after a tour in Kuwait and a tour in Iraq he had the ranking of colonal. A year into his joining the military, my mother asked for a […]