Upgrading My Community’s Little Free Library

In May, after years of going to a nearby city to get new books to read and to drop off books I read, carrying them by hand, in backpacks and wagons by bus, before I had a car, I decided to put together a little free library for my community.  It has been great to watch […]

My Son’s Quick and Frugal Trip to Washington, DC

I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to posting this yet; my son was in the US for 6 weeks, got home already over 2 weeks ago, and I still haven’t written about his trip other than his first day touring there, in New York City. But I’m catching up. Since my son was in the […]

Keeping Your Phone and Data Secure While Traveling

My son was just traveling to the US, and the “unthinkable” happened. When he was in the middle of Manhattan, trying to find his way to New Jersey, the day before he had to take the bus to camp, his phone broke. There was a surprise cloudburst and despite trying to keep his phone dry, […]