How Interventional Pain Management Can Help Treat Disability-Related Chronic Pain

Understanding how chronic pain works and exploring effective ways to manage it can help you find relief and enjoy the activities you normally love. In this article, we’ll discuss common causes of chronic pain and treatment options. Then, we’ll wrap up with how an interventional pain management doctor can support patients with disabilities in long-term comfort.

THCa Flower: A Guide to Proper & Safe Use

Marijuana is known for making people high. That is pretty much all people thought about it until the health effects of the cannabis plant were studied and they realized just how beneficial it was, and they started legalizing it for medical use. Many places fortunately have gotten rid of the ridiculous laws against its use […]

Balancing Motherhood and Personal Wellness

One of the most challenging things for me as a mom, for the first while at least, was taking care of myself. I wanted my kids to have such a good childhood, unlike what I went through, that I put all my needs aside and just did everything for the sake of my kids, even […]

Benefits of Caring for the Elderly at Home

Out of my 4 grandparents, my paternal grandfather, may he be alive and well for many more years to come, is 94, almost 95, is the only one still alive. He lives on his own in his home, with an aide coming in to check in on him. My maternal grandfather was young and died […]

How to Know If a Mattress Is Right for Your Post-Surgery Recovery

A good mattress can be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a restless one, between waking up happily to waking up in pain. A few years ago I bought myself a brand new mattress after 15 years on a then second hand mattress, because my back is problematic and the mattress was contributing […]

Is my child taking drugs? What to look out for

As a parent of 3 teenagers (how on earth do I have 3 teenagers already???) the worry about them going down the wrong path and falling in with a bad crowd is obviously on my mind, as it is with parents of most teenagers. Often, this bad crowd is one that drinks and does drugs, […]

The Link Between Children’s Oral Care And Overall Health

Teeth and cavities have been on my mind as a parent for a long time already- my first post here on the topic was all the way back in 2012. Fortunately, my other children didn’t have as many cavities as my first child did, and the adult teeth in my children (who have them) are […]

How to Stand Strong When Caring for Children and Parents Simultaneously

People my age are starting to be part of the sandwich generation, with parents that are elderly and need tending to, while also taking care of younger children. It still is a shock to me to realize my parents are actually getting old, and they’re not nearly as old as many of my peers’ parents. […]