Escape the Rent Trap: How Park Model Homes Can Help You Own a Home Sooner

Have you dreamed of owning your own home but thought that was just a pipe dream, that it was something you never could afford? That you’d just be spending money on rent every month, and while the rent prices rise, your income wouldn’t really, and eventually you’ll need to move to a smaller and smaller […]
Affordable Ways to Elevate Your Living Space

Sometimes you feel you need a change in your home. Possibly something about it feels old and boring, or your tastes have changed. You want your home to be a place that you love being, and part of that is making it a place that is pleasing to your senses. Some people feel this need […]
4 Indoor Gardening Projects for Tenants with Children

I remember how much I desperately wanted to be able to grow things when we were living in our old tiny apartment. I tried growing things and wasn’t so successful with most of them, unfortunately. But it wasn’t about the apartment gardening, it was that I’m just not the best with plants, because even in […]
9 Ideas for a Fun and Fabulous Home Exterior

Your home is a reflection of who you are, or rather, it is the way you present yourself to the world. So yes, my messy home is a reflection of my scattered brain and exhaustion, but its also fun and lively like myself. The outside of your home is how you present yourself to the […]
Affordable Mailbox Options for Families

How do you get your mail? Do you have one right at your door or at the end of your driveway, or do you need to go to a mail center to pick yours up? Growing up we had changed an old fashioned milk door into our mailbox, but nowadays I need to go to […]