How a Family Lawyer Can Help You Through Tough Times

When your marriage is on the rocks and seems like it is about to be over, you want to have a good lawyer on your side. While some lawyers can be not so sensitive, a decent lawyer can even give you emotional support in addition to all the legal support. Here’s how a lawyer can […]
How the Military Divorce Process Differs From Civilian Divorce

My father joined the US Army as a doctor when I was 16 years old while my family moved abroad. By the time he left the army, after a tour in Kuwait and a tour in Iraq he had the ranking of colonal. A year into his joining the military, my mother asked for a […]
Legal Steps to Take After a School Playground Injury
My son is prone to injury. He’s broken 7 bones. 3 of them happened during school. In none of those cases was it on the playground, and in none of the cases was it actually caused by anything other than his actions, but people have told me that I still have grounds to sue, because […]
Common Causes of Personal Injury and How to Avoid Them

Most people are not like myself, with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and proprioception issues, that get injured from teeny tiny things, like sitting wrong on a public transportation seat. For them, injuries are less common, and there are ways to avoid them. If you have a more normal body, here are some ways to prevent injury, […]