Benefits of Caring for the Elderly at Home

Out of my 4 grandparents, my paternal grandfather, may he be alive and well for many more years to come, is 94, almost 95, is the only one still alive. He lives on his own in his home, with an aide coming in to check in on him. My maternal grandfather was young and died […]
How to Stand Strong When Caring for Children and Parents Simultaneously

People my age are starting to be part of the sandwich generation, with parents that are elderly and need tending to, while also taking care of younger children. It still is a shock to me to realize my parents are actually getting old, and they’re not nearly as old as many of my peers’ parents. […]
How the Military Divorce Process Differs From Civilian Divorce

My father joined the US Army as a doctor when I was 16 years old while my family moved abroad. By the time he left the army, after a tour in Kuwait and a tour in Iraq he had the ranking of colonal. A year into his joining the military, my mother asked for a […]
Having Children in Medical School: The Benefits and Challenges

Going to college when you have kids is much harder than going when you don’t, no question about it. Medical school is even harder than the average college, so you can imagine having children in medical school sure isn’t an easy thing, and many people would advise against it. Here are some pros and cons, […]