Why Hiring a Professional for TV Mounting is Worth It

As I’m writing this, I’m looking at the TV that I mounted myself in my bedroom… that is currently broken, and serves more as a clothes hanger than anything else. I had taken down the TV from its mount for something and when I tried putting it back on, it fell a drop, and I […]
Budget-Friendly Home Improvements: When to DIY and When to Hire Professionals
I love to DIY. Not only is it a terrific money saver, it gives such a feeling of accomplishment when finished. I built my son’s bedroom myself (I know, I still never posted a final post about it; I plan on doing it in the very near future) but I knew that there would be […]
How to Hire an Event Photographer on a Budget: Tips for Parents and Families

I haven’t hired an event photographer many times. In fact, I only did it once other than at my wedding. And the last time, I honestly blew it. I waited until too close to the event and had to use who was available, without having first seen his work, and I hate how I look […]
Our Frugal Georgia Trip, Day 2: Batumi, Las Vegas of the Black Sea

On the second day of our Georgia trip, in Batumi, not surprisingly, we had a pretty late start. We only got up at 10:30 and had to get to the tour we signed up for by 11:45; we were supposed to get there ten minutes early, we had a 5 minute walk to our car, […]
Momcozy DinerPal High Chair Offers a Long-Lasting Feeding Solution for Modern Families

When you are raising little ones (mine are not so little anymore!) you need to figure out the best way to feed them. Are you going to feed them in a stroller (like I’ve seen many people do), standard high chairs, or something else? Or would you use a modular high chair that will last […]
DIY Modest Nimona Cosplay Costume Without Much Sewing Required

All dressed up in cosplay at the convention, minus the belt. Halloween is right around the corner, and in that spirit, I wanted to share some costumes that my daughters and I recently made and wore. They wanted it to wear to a Comic Con type event, but I told them that if I was […]
How to Save Big on Shore Excursions During Your Cruise

Just picture it. You save up money to take a cruise for that special occasion of yours, maybe a big birthday or other milestone, and you book the cruise… and then you realize that you didn’t factor in the price of shore excursions. Cruises aren’t just boat rides; you want to do things at the […]
Every Moment Matters: Capturing Life’s Little Milestones with the Momcozy BM03

As parents, as much as we love watching our children grow up, there’s part of us that wants to preserve our kids exactly as they were when they were tiny, cute, and adorable. But, fortunately, kids grow up, but we can preserve our kids exactly as they were via photo and video. Back in my […]
My Son’s Frugal NYC Touring- Days 2 and 3

Traveling! I can’t wait to do it since life is currently too complicated for that, but in the meantime, I am having fun writing up about and sharing information about my 17 year old son, Lee’s, frugal trip to the US and England this past summer. I already posted about what my son did on […]
4 Orthodontic Issues Your Child Might Experience

Orthodontics… It’s something that people short on cash often really dread, because orthodonture is far from cheap. In some cases, like mine, it was either orthodonture or likely need to get dentures by the time I was 30, because of how bad my mouth was. My father’s cousin Marty had overlapping roots so badly that […]