Hearth and Soul Blog Hop

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, where each week, cooks from around the globe share their mos+t delicious, nourishing, and heart warming recipes. The cooking carnival where you come to share your best kept cooking secrets, those recipes with the magic ingredient in it called “Soul Spice”-  the made […]

Making and Using Homemade Royal Icing (Chemical Free) to Decorate Cookies

We just had a lovely party in honor of our baby, Anneliese, on Saturday. (We don’t do baby showers- we welcome babies into the world only after they arrive all the way.) I wanted to make some cute cookies, girly themed (after 2 boys, I’m bringing out the pink full force) to serve at the […]

Homemade Beet Food Coloring Recipe

Food coloring is banned in my house. Or rather, it isn’t… We do have food coloring in out house, its just used to print things in our printer. No, seriously. (See here how we fill our ink cartridges with food coloring.) Whether or not the FDA approves of food coloring’s safety makes no difference to […]

Crazy Cheap and Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe

No, this cake ain’t healthy, nor is it gluten free or sugar free, but it’s got something going for it- its cheap and its easy and its vegan and it doesn’t use any ingredients that are hard to find and it’s ultra easy to make. Pretty much its a good desert to make if you […]

Living Rurally To Save Money

One benefit of rural living- free firewood for heating! Mrs Bushman tackles a fallen tree with her chain saw. I live in a town of approximately 1200 families a 15 minute drive from the entrance to the nearest city. Because of our location, our rent is certainly higher than it would be in a more […]

Feeding Primal People… Frugally??

I’ve read and read lots of posts on the Primal/Paleo diet, and other low carb and grain diets, and despite all that I’ve read on this diet/lifestyle, I remain thoroughly unconvinced that grains are the evil some people make them out to be, both because of scientific reasons and because the reasoning for the theory […]

Hearth and Soul Blog Hop

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, where each week, cooks from around the globe share their mos+t delicious, nourishing, and heart warming recipes. The cooking carnival where you come to share your best kept cooking secrets, those recipes with the magic ingredient in it called “Soul Spice”-  the made […]

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

This is a terrific peanut butter cookie recipe, both for people on a gluten free diet and those not, as it doesn’t call for any specialty flours or specialty ingredients. Its also pretty easy to prepare. No, it’s not sugar free or particularly healthy, but it at least is healthier than store bought cookies with […]

Homemade Sunflower Milk Recipe

I think one of the things I most frequently post about on this blog is how to make non dairy milks. Ok, thats slight an exaggeration, but I’ve already posted instructions on making homemade chickpea milk, sesame milk, and coconut milk, and now I’m posting yet another type of non dairy milk- sunflower milk. Why do […]

Homemade Saline Solution Recipe

 Ok, this may seem like a dumb idea for a post, but my little girly is sick and is having breathing trouble and I’ve discovered here via the net a way I can help her without giving her steroids or chemicals, doesn’t cost a lot, and guess what? My doctor totally approves also, so I’m not […]