First sawed the board a little shorter, because it was too long. Then flipped the chair upside down onto the board, and screwed screws through the arms and into the board. Then flipped it back over.
Wasn’t the most beautiful table, I’ll admit, and I would have prefered a slightly wider table, but…
Once covered with a tablecloth, it didn’t look quite so bad anymore. And in fact, it was even big enough to have a family of four over for dinner as guests, and still have room to seat everyone.
My husband took apart the first project, and put the wood to use again.
We have very little floor space in our apartment, and our strollers and portable clothes rack were always falling over, looking messy, and taking up floor space. We also can’t easily put things in the wall as they’re made out of cement…
My husband used two of those boards together with an old refrigerator grate, some screws, and some twine and made a corner “shelving unit” or however you want to call it. It has a place to hang the clothes rack as well as a hook to hold one of our strollers, so its not falling all over the floor. (Good thing that stroller is light.)
The refrigerator rack at the top holds things like my baby carrier and other stuff that I generally take with me when I leave the house, and my husband made a net shelf out of string to hold the rain covers for the strollers.
These aren’t works of art, but they’re creative ways to use what would otherwise end in a landfill, and saved us from needing to spend money on alternatives.
Whats the biggest thing you dumpster dove? Have you ever built anything with reclaimed wood? What was it?