I wasn’t planning on posting this recipe today. I was going to post an amazing recipe for pie. Or French bread. Or something else. And then I posted this picture of what I made today on facebook, and like a million people started oohing and ahhing over picture, asking for the recipe.
It’s really simple.
It’s not the healthiest in the world, though could be…
But it looks great. Perfect for a party.
Homemade peanut butter cups, Reese’s style.
Its very easy to do.
What you need is dairy free chocolate chips, dairy free white chocolate chips, unsweetened peanut butter, and salt. If you use healthy chocolate chips, this will be a healthy recipe, if they’re not healthy, less so… my chocolate chips aren’t healthy, so these weren’t as healthy as they could have been, but the recipe still can be made healthier, if you use better chips.
You also need a silicon mold, or some other deeper chocolate mold, and a wide pot and two smaller heat proof containers that can fit inside the wide pot, as a double boiler. I used a metal bowl and a glass jar.
Put your chocolate chips in one of the heat proof containers, fill the pot part way with water, and put the container with chocolate chips inside the water, mixing it, until all the chocolate melts.
Using a small spoon, spread the chocolate into the mold, covering the bottom and the sides, but leaving the inside empty.
In another container, mix peanut butter with white chocolate chips, about a 50-50 ratio, and put that in the double boiler to melt. If you’re using unsweetened unsalted peanut butter like I was, add salt to taste.
Spoon little bits of the peanut butter/white chocolate into the mold, being sure not to overfill- you still have to leave room for another layer of chocolate.
Put another layer of dark chocolate over the peanut butter, making sure the peanut butter is entirely covered on all sides.
Let cool off and harden.
Pop out the chocolates, and enjoy!
Are you a fan of peanut butter and chocolate combined? Does this look like a recipe you’d try?
If you’ve made your own recipe for chocolate peanut butter cups, what’s in yours?