Wow, those were 2.5 amazing days on our camping trip. We really had a terrific time- its a toss up which family member enjoyed it more, because we all had such an amazing experience. The kids really thrive outdoors, and honestly, so do Mike and myself.
As fun as it was, I’m exhausted though. Need a vacation from our vacation. 😀
So I’ll just leave you with a few pics for now as a preview, and the rest of the pics as well as my whole write up on the topic, will be another post. (In fact, I think I may break it up to 2 or 3 posts- one on how it was, what we did, etc… one on what we brought, what we recommend bringing, etc… how to make your own trip a success, and one with the menu plan, etc…)
Our tents and view in one direction, and the way back home…
Our gorgeous view in another direction, directly beyond our campsite.
Our view in another direction, directly opposite our campsite.
Ike posing next to a campfire “chair” Mike built out of rocks.
Hope you have a great weekend! When was the last time you went camping? What do you think of our campground? Would you have liked to camp in a place like that?