Easy pasta salad

One comment I’ve gotten a lot of in regards to this blog is that while I have plenty of great ideas, they all take time, and they’re only good for stay at home moms. I never really thought of it that way- frugal is frugal, right? And how much actual time does it take to do these things, after all?

I’ve never been a full time working mom. Only been part time working mom, working mostly from home, so I’ve had more free time to get frugal endeavors done. I never paid that much attention as to just how much of what I was doing I was able to do because of my being home. Because each money saving thing doesn’t actually, truly, take that much time.

But lately, I’ve been much busier, doing a project that is as time consuming as a full time job (perhaps even more, because much of what I do is long after typical working hours are usually over, staying up until 2 am working), and yes, I’ve realized just how much of what I used to do to save money is just beyond me at the moment…

I’m too tired to think about money saving ideas.
I’m too spent to do some creative planning and multitasking that’s necessary in order to get things done.
I just want easy.

And I can definitely see the allure in all the typical money sucks that the average working woman seems to have- cleaning help, disposables, takeout, processed food, etc…
And yet, I have not all of a sudden become rich, with lots of disposable money.
If you work hard, and then spend most of the money you make on conveniences to allow you to work that much, what have you gained other than stress?

So, despite my being short on time and energy, frugality can’t go out the window in our home.
Frugality is alive and running.
How, you may ask?

I compromise on a few things that save lots of time and energy, even if they cost a bit more.
But for everything else, I try to find quick fixes that are frugal and easy.

I think one of the most difficult things to do frugally when pressed for time and lacking energy is actually food preparation, etc…

So here’s what I do for frugal, quick, and easy food:

Other frugal advice that doesn’t take much time:

Stockpile! Even if you’re getting more expensive convenience items, stocking up on them at a good price will prevent extra expensive trips to the store, and actually saves you time and energy because you spend less time shopping.

Just don’t buy! Do without extra items. It doesn’t take extra energy or time to stop yourself from buying expensive extras. In fact, time not shopping for luxuries is time you can spend doing other things to unwind…

One last piece of advice, and related to my last post, on cloth diapering…

Forgive yourself. You’re human. If you’re not perfect and opt for expensive conveniences here and there, that’s ok! Just don’t go overboard. Do what you need to do to feel human and not like a rag.

Are you a work at home mom, work out of the house mom, or stay at home mom? Do you find yourself very busy or generally with a lot of free time? Do you have extra time for frugal endeavors or would you say you’re more short on time?
What are your favorite “frugality when time is short” tips?