photo SesameSquares_zps6672c429.jpgThis recipe for homemade sesame bars is a guest post. Looks delicious and scrumptious, not to mention being gluten free (so long as you use gluten free oats).

1 1/8 cup of medium oatmeal

1 3/4 cups sesame seeds

3 tbsp Lyle’s Golden Syrup

1/4 cup Tate & Lyle Fairtrade Light Brown Sugar

4 tbsp sunflower oil

1. Line a 8 x 12 in Swiss roll tin with non-stick parchment paper. Heat the oven to 350F

 2. Put the dry ingredients into a bowl. Gently warm the Golden Syrup and add to the bowl with the oil. Mix well then tip into the tin and level with a palette knife.

 3. Bake for 20-25 minutes then cool and cut into 24 pieces whilst still warm. Break into portions when completely cold.

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