When I was a teenager, I loved listening to music- it was my lifeblood. Whether I was happy or sad, bored or angry, I had music to listen to that fit the mood I was in. Because of that, I accumulated lots of music CDs from groups that I loved. A huge CD rack held all that music for while I was not listening to it. My collection grew and grew, and with time, I had such a large collection.
As the years went by, my taste in music has changed and, to be honest, there are lots of bands that I used to listen to in the past who I’d never listen to anymore. (Metallica, Linkin Park, and Eminem, anyone?) Their CDs just take up room and provide me with no benefit.
I know there are many people like myself who’ve accumulated CDs and DVDs that, quite frankly, don’t interest them at this point in their lives, but they don’t know what to do with them. They don’t want to throw them out, because why should the CDs that are in good condition go into a landfill when someone else could enjoy them?
Decluttering can save a lot of money, because it means that you can downsize to a smaller home comfortably, once you get rid of all the junk that was just taking up living space beforehand. If you’ve accumulated CDs and DVDs and video game that are taking up room in your house, now’s the time to get rid of them. And you can make money while you’re at it!
MusicMagpie.com buys your old CDs, DVDs and video games so you can declutter and earn some extra cash while you’re at it. For each item you sell, you just enter its barcode, share a picture of it, and find out how much it is worth. You then ship it to MusicMagpie- free shipping- and get a check back in the mail! Isn’t that cool?
Why keep your clutter when you can get cash for it?
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