photo IMG_0559_zps9b2b7807.jpgI woke up the other day from a nap with a really sore throat, cough, and runny nose. Bad cold, in the middle of August!!! I had no time to be sick! I had plans!!! I was trying desperately to figure out something to do that would help me recuperate as fast as possible.
Scouring the internet, I discovered this home remedy made with all ingredients I had in my house already that is supposed to help coughs, runny noses, and sore throats. I took a double dose and then went to bed.
When I woke up in the morning, I felt 95% better. Slight throat irritation and slightly runny nose, but that’s it! I took another dose and felt fine the whole day and able to function for my important date.
The next day I again took a dose, and felt better.
Its a few days later and I must say I’m feeling 99% better, and still religiously taking this home cough/cold remedy.
I highly recommend you mix up a batch next time you or your kids are feeling under the weather. Hopefully it’ll work as well for you as it worked for me! And if not? Well, it doesn’t hurt and doesn’t cost much to make, so no harm done…

Here’s the recipe:

Home Remedy For Coughs and Colds

2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (I used raw, but I suspect regular would work, though not as well)
1 tablespoon honey (I used raw, but I suspect regular would work, though not as well)
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper or hot paprika
1/4 teaspoon ginger

1. Mix the honey and vinegar together until uniform.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

3. Adult dosage is 1 tablespoon, children’s dosage is 1 teaspoon.

Store in the fridge and shake/stir well before using. I tend to make a double batch.

My kids take this easily enough, though they prefer a glass of water as a chaser. Its sweet and sour with a spicy aftertaste, but it doesn’t burn your mouth- it’s pleasant enough to take. I take mine with no chaser.
Be careful if double dosing- best take on a full stomach otherwise you might have stomach irritation.

What is your favorite home remedy for coughs, colds, and sore throats?
Does this seem like a home remedy you’d try?