My Latest Shopping Trip to the Farmer’s Market and Salvage Store

On Sunday, I needed to make a bunch of gluten free bread mix to bring to some friends in the city that evening, and to do that, I needed a whole bunch of risotto rice so that I could grind it into flour. I thought that I’d need to drag all the kids with me […]

Fixing My Frugal Failings… Via Accountability

Some of my cloth diapers… including a cute lacy cloth diaper cover my neighbor just gave me as a hand me down I’ve spoken to some friends who are frequent readers about this blog, what I post on it, and asked them their input, what they’d like more of, what they enjoy reading most about, […]

A Frugal Pink Birthday Party for Anneliese

When I was a teenager, if anyone had told me that one day I’d have a little girl like Anneliese, I’d be shocked. Because as a teenager I was miss tomboy, involved in all sorts of sports, sciencey stuff, and just about as un-girly as they come. My favorite color was blue and I don’t […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week

Hey there! It’s that time of week where I share the latest frugal goings on in my house. Maybe I should start a “unfrugal blunders this past week” for those weeks where frugality doesn’t happen so much? Haha… Ok, so it was a bit of a crazy week, so I don’t really have it broken […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week

Sorry this was a little delayed! We went out on a family trip yesterday and didn’t get back until late, so didn’t have a chance to post this yet! Here’s what we did to save money this past week in the Penniless household. Sunday: Made koshari, an Egyptian dish made with lentils for lunch and […]

Homemade Chocolate Coins Tutorial

My kids love chocolate coins. They love chocolate in general, but if they had the choice of a square of chocolate or chocolate coins, chocolate coins would win, hands down. The thing is- chocolate coins are expensive. Chocolate is expensive, yes, but chocolate coins are even more expensive per pound… We do buy chocolate coins […]

Why We Went Back to Homeschooling Our Kids- Again

A homeschooling lesson- real life learning. Baking, following instructions, reading, math, etc.. Those of you who’ve been following my blog for a long time already might remember some details about my kids’ schooling journey, how originally we were homeschooling, unschooling inspired, and then last year we decided to send our kids to school, and now […]