Introducing the newest member of the Penniless family, a little girl, born Friday night at 10:45 pm, in the most beautiful, easiest home birth ever.
Ike wanted to know why we didn’t name her Rose…
So… That is how she will be known on this blog.
I’ll write up the birth story as soon as I get a chance, but for now, just wanted to update y’all with the good news.
But yes, she’s perfectly healthy, I am as well, thankfully… My biggest complaint is my extremely sore calves from all the walking up and down steep hills I did this past week to try and start labor, and once I was in labor…
PS- I have no interest in debating homebirth in the comments of this post. I have a few posts on my blog on homebirth- if you want to read about safety, etc… feel free to read there and comment there on that aspect, not here.