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Introducing the newest member of the Penniless family, a little girl, born Friday night at 10:45 pm, in the most beautiful, easiest home birth ever.

Ike wanted to know why we didn't name her Rose...
So... That is how she will be known on this blog.

I'll write up the birth story as soon as I get a chance, but for now, just wanted to update y'all with the good news.

But yes, she's perfectly healthy, I am as well, thankfully... My biggest complaint is my extremely sore calves from all the walking up and down steep hills I did this past week to try and start labor, and once I was in labor...

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PS- I have no interest in debating homebirth in the comments of this post. I have a few posts on my blog on homebirth- if you want to read about safety, etc... feel free to read there and comment there on that aspect, not here.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


Thank you for leaving a comment on your blog. Comments are moderated- please be patient to allow time for them to go through. Opposing opinions are permitted, discussion and disagreements are encouraged, but nasty comments for the sole purpose of being nasty without constructive criticisms will be deleted.
Just a note- I take my privacy seriously, and comments giving away my location or religion are automatically deleted too.

  1. Congrats! She's beautiful! Enjoy her and can't wait to read her birth story :)

  2. Congrats!! She's sweet and I love the smile. I've had 4 great homebirths, the last 4 months ago. So no debating from me.; )

  3. Congratulations!!! I had a WONDERFUL home birth back in December, easy, safe, natural, and just incredible. I can't say enough good things about it! Totally different than my first baby, which was a hospital birth. What a beautiful girl you have there!! :)

  4. Congratulations!! Long time reader/ appreciator of your blog! Your new blessing is BEAuTiFuL!!! And congratulations also on your successful home birth!

  5. AWWW!!!! Congratulations! Rose (by any other name, etc) is adorable, and I wish you a speedy recovery!

  6. Yeah!!! Congratulations! Home birth, hospital, on the road, as long as the baby is healthy all is good.

  7. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! (My good friend had her 4th baby at home and she said it was the easiest of all! - after 3 hospital births)

  8. Congratulations, OMG she is so sweet. There is nothing in this world that is as precious as a child!!

  9. Congratulations! My 4th child, also a girl, was born at home on Monday. Today my 4-year-old daughter tried to change her name to Rose. Too funny :)
    Be good to yourself, mama. She is a beauty :)

  10. Congratulations, and welcome to the world, baby Rose :o)

  11. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  12. Congratulations - she's so sweet! <3

  13. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  14. Congratulations! She's beautiful! Love that Annaliese gets a little sister. Can't wait to read the birth story - I've had all mine in the hospital because I didn't know any better. I'm jealous of the home birth experience!!

  15. Congratulations! She's beautiful. Well done :)

  16. Congratulations! Lovely photos! Blessings to you and your whole family. Thank-you for sharing all your knowledge on this site. Hope you can get some rest here and there!

  17. Congratulations to you and your family! So wonderful to hear another home birth. They are the best!!! Can't wait to hear the birth story and see more cute pictures :-).

  18. Congrats.
    What a sweet heart she is.
    My 3rd was a home birth after 2 hospitals.
    It is an amazing experience. Well done to you.

  19. Congrats! She's gorgeous.


  20. Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you. Are you taking after me? 2 boys, followed by 2 girls (then a third, then a boy ;)) I'm so happy it was an easy homebirth for you (my second girl, fourth kid was also born on a Friday night at around 10:40 PM :D copycat...oh, she was March 12th, but on a different calendar, her birthday is in exactly 1 week from yeah. I guess we're birth sisters :P)

    Enjoy your little bundle of joy and try to rest well and get those calves less sore (arnica is awesome).

  21. congratulations on your little bundle of joy! she is so precious!
    rest, rest, rest. accept help and slowly get back to yourself.

  22. You had your homebirth! I remember reading that you wanted one. Is this your first? Oh, my. She's gorgeous and I can't wait to read your story!

  23. Congratulations to you and to Mike. Welcome, sweet Rose! :)

  24. Congratulations she is beautiful.

  25. Congratulations on the newest member of your lovely family! I had a home birth in 1982. It was the best experience ever!

  26. KellyK (@RNCCRN9706)March 24, 2014 at 5:10 PM

    Congratulations Penny, Mike, Lee, Ike and Anneliese on the arrival of Rose!! She's beautiful! Glad you had a wonderful home birth!! Nothing wrong with it whatsoever!! I believe my father was born at home on his parents farm back in 1941!

  27. Gosh, I miss reading the blog for a few days and you show up with a new baby girl. Two boys and two girls in that order--that's the ideal way to have children. Congratulations!

  28. Aw, she's gorgeous! Congratulations to you and your family. :)

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