A Frugal Race Car Birthday Party for my Boys
My eldest son, Lee (now 7), and second son, Ike (now 5), have birthday’s 4 days apart. Every year I debate whether I should make them a joint birthday party, especially since they basically have the same friends, and it would take the work load off my shoulders to be able to knock out two […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
Hi there every one! It’s time for the weekly round up, where I tell you just what I did to save money this week. As you can see, it was a rather skimpy one- I didn’t really do so many frugal things, or rather, at least not as many as I typically do. But didn’t […]
Beef Maqlooba Recipe- (Upside Down Middle Eastern Rice) Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free
My family isn’t the biggest eggplant fans. This is annoying, because eggplant is a veggie that I can get relatively cheaply most of the time, and I very often get eggplant for free. And of course, most of the time I cook up that eggplant, my kids refuse to eat it. Which is a bummer. […]
Our Frugal Anniversary Celebration- and Our Frugal Accomplishments This Past Week
Our frugal anniversary celebration- across the street from our hotel I’ve been just a wee bit exhausted lately, so pardon me for slacking a bit on the blog posting… I know my “frugal round up” for the week shoulda been posted 2 days ago already.. and I also wanted to tell you about my frugal […]
Spiced Pumpkin Muffins Recipe- Gluten Free, Vegan, Refined Sugar Free Options
Remember how I mentioned that I like healthy baked goods for breakfast that taste yummy, are low cost, and are filled with nutrition? This pumpkin muffin fits the bill, with its veggies, protein, non refined sweeteners, in addition to it being gluten free and vegan. I based it off of this recipe. I used the […]
What To Do With An Entire Freezer Full of Defrosted Meat and Fish
Part of Mount Protein My husband and I just came back from a 2 day vacation, and, having made sure to clean the house thoroughly before we left, were looking forward to relaxing in our spotless home as soon as we arrived. Already at the front door, we could tell something was wrong, as our […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
Hi y’all! I hope you have had a great and frugal week this past week! This week in our hours involved lots of cooking and making messes in the kitchen… but all for good things, as we had a few birthday related get togethers… And another plus- its been cool enough that we didn’t use […]
Golden Rice with Raisins, Peas, and Walnuts Recipe- Gluten Free, Vegan, Sugar Free
Last night I went to a get together for the ladies in my community, a meet and greet type of event. As part of the “get to know you” event, people were asked to bring in a food that had something to do with their favorite color. I love blue the most of all colors, […]
Super Healing Curried Fish Broth Recipe- Tasty Too! Gluten Free, GAPS Legal, Dairy Free and Egg Free
The seasons are changing, and it seems that along with that come colds. Oh well. Since more than one person in my family is feeling under the weather (including myself) I decided to whip up a super healing soup to aid in the healing. I made this soup because it was pretty simple to make, […]
Great Hotel Deals on TravelPony
I have to say I am super excited about next week. Mike and I have our 8th wedding anniversary, and while we generally do celebrate it in a frugal but nice way, you have no idea how much I was hoping to be able to go away, just the two of us (plus baby), but […]