Clothes Swaps Are Worth It
I must admit, I’ve been going out at night an awful lot lately. In some weeks, I’ve left all the kids at home but Rose and gone out for hours, at least 3-4 times in one week. Last night I told Mike that I was going to a clothes swap- he looks at me and […]
Frugal Accomplishments This Week
Since people liked this format last time I did it, and since I didn’t manage to keep track of what we did each day to save money, here’s what we did this last week to be frugal, broken down by categories. Frugal Kids: After a few weeks of tummy bugs and then traveling, during which […]
Asian Kohlrabi Slaw Recipe- Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Vegan
I got a huge amount of kohlrabi at the farmer’s market the other day- after I paid at the “reduced rack” stand, the owner pretty much threw two gigantic bags of kohlrabi and eggplant at me for free- more than I could possibly use- I even gave a portion away and still have too much, […]
My Fun and Frugal Workout Sessions- Freestyle Dancing With My Kiddos
My awesome baby carrier, which I use for my workouts. I put Rose on my front, and I pull up the strap over the leg, until it reaches and supports Rose’s back and head for while I exercise. My calves are sore; my muscles all over my body are aching. You know why? Not because I’ve been to the gym recently… […]
Giving Presents To Kids- Smart or Foolish?
Presents bought and waiting for my kids’ birthday in the next few days Tomorrow my older son, Lee, turns 7, and 4 days later, my second son, Ike, turns 5. I just went birthday present shopping for them, and then called up an extremely frugal person I know, to discuss the logistics about gift giving […]
Frugal Accomplishments on Vacation This Past Week
Last week, my family went on a great, frugal vacation to the seaside. We’re lucky to have a family member who owns a place we are able to stay in by the sea, so we are able to keep the cost of our vacation down to just the food for the trip as well as […]