Hey all, now’s that time of week where I share with you the various frugal things I and my family members did to save money over the past week. Starting today, hopefully I’ll be getting this post up on Sunday, and not Monday like I’ve been doing.

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Here’s what we did to save money this past week:

Roasted a salmon carcass, deboned it, and used the fish for 2 meals for myself.
Stocked up on tuna on sale, and 22 lbs of chicken wings with a great sale. I needed olive oil, and almost bought some “on sale” until I realized that there was another brand, not on sale, that was cheaper than the “sale” stuff, so I bought that.
Foraged wild greens- mallow and wild mustard.
Bought from the reduced rack- apples, sweeties, cucumbers, pomelas.

Ground gluten free flours.
Put together a gluten free bread mix.
Went to the city and brought along food instead of buying while out.
Got a whole bunch of things I needed from a “dollar store” type store.
Got a bunch of perfect condition free zucchini at the farmer’s market, since it was the end of the day.
Made a vegan chickpea flour based quiche (made with those free zucchinis) to bring along to a party.

Picked some hot peppers, basil, and tomatoes from my friend’s garden.
Foraged purslane.
Ground some himalayan pink salt that I’d bought in bulk.
Made homemade mock nutella spread.
Made homemade toothpaste.

Made homemade sesame milk.
Revamped leftover rice by making it into tuna patties.
Made a frugal art project- painting cereal boxes, and plaster cast footprints.
Served foraged mallow for supper
Saved liquids from steaming chicken wings (which I bought on great sale) to make chicken soup.

Made homemade gluten free pizza.
Made homemade marinara sauce.
Made chicken soup from chicken wings steaming water and chicken bones
Made minestrone soup from leftover marinara sauce, lentils, leftover eggplant salad, leftover steamed turnips, and leftover pasta.
Made homemade kombucha.

Made homemade chocolate banana ice cream (not this exact recipe, but one very similar)
Served leftovers for lunch and supper

Served fish head for supper

What did you do to save money this past week?