Homemade Fruit Flavored Water- Refined Sugar Free

I am not the biggest fan of drinking water, unfortunately. I mean, I will drink it, since it’s good for you and cheap, especially important in hot weather like we’re having now… but I get more motivated to drink when I have something other than water to drink. My Laborade recipe is an awesome recipe […]

Chilled Carrot Soup with Leek and Cumin Recipe- Vegan, Easy, GAPS Legal

The other day I wanted to make a fancy meal, and in my book, that typically includes having an appetizer. Soups are great appetizers, and chilled soups are perfect for the hot weather we’ve been having lately. Only I was in a bit of a bind, as the only veggies I had to use for […]

Saving Money on Burial Related Expenses

Photo credit- tiverylucky | Free Digital Photos.net Death and dying aren’t things that people like to talk about, but it is, unfortunately, a fact of life, and one that we all have to deal with at some point or another. On top of the grieving process that everyone goes through when they lose a loved […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

We had a terrific frugal week. Anneliese is more potty trained than ever- even sometimes for #2… so we are rarely using diapers for her. Rose is exclusively in cloth diapers. It was a very got week and despite the heat, we didn’t turn on fans much, let alone air conditioning and managed just fine. […]

Healthy Homemade Butterfingers Recipe- Refined Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Vegan

Some foods are pure evil. Because you can’t not eat the whole thing in one go. They are just so super delicious and addictive that your self control immediately flies out the window… This is one of those foods. And yes, they’re homemade Butterfingers. And yes, they’re healthy. As in no weird chemicals, no transfats, […]

Constructively Dealing With Negativity

My burner, cleaned as good as it can get, drying in the sun on my porch. Yesterday, my husband and I spent hours cleaning up my house, especially my kitchen. We cleaned the counters, washed the dishes, put away the dishes, swept and mopped the floor, etc… So, when I woke up this morning to […]

Fixing My Pressure Cooker

And of course, once I got the pressure cooker fixed, we ran out of gas. And the gas company won’t deliver until Sunday or Monday. Fortunately, we have these two spare electric burners… To say that I really rely on my pressure cooker… would be an understatement. If you’d send me to a dessert island […]

A Busy Frugal Day

Photo from my Grandma’s house, now hanging in mine Yesterday I pretty much spent all day on the computer, making calculations and writing blog posts. Today, I stepped back from the computer and actually got stuff done, and had a pretty good day. Exhausting, but good. First, I made homemade pancakes from scratch for the […]

Breakdown and Analysis of Total Grocery Expenses this Month

Some of the produce I got this month, about half free, and the other half very cheaply It seemed like ever since I started tracking my grocery expenses down to the last cent (I did it a few months already, with a few month break in the middle), they just kept going higher and higher and […]

Frugal Accomplishments This Week

Ok, I had a long day today, but don’t want to go to bed without first posting my frugal accomplishments of the past week. This past week I spent money, but did it for frugal reasons. Among them- bulk buying, and thrift store shopping. Sunday– Darned socks. Made homemade flatbread. Brought along food for a […]